Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Don't forget Fin's challenge on New Years Day! Its her and her mom's and MY birthday! I can't wait to celebrate and I hope you all join us!
(For anyone following the LSAT struggle, the Lap Lady got her score last night and is not a happy Lap Lady. She got nowhere near what she really wanted but she says she did her absolute best to study and prepare and the score is what it is. Her dreams aren't totally dashed but she knows that she could not have worked harder for that test so she did her all and she's reaffirmed that standardized test are not her strong suit.)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Man Cat Monday Miracle
Prepare seriously, the following might send you into shock....

Aside from that rather interesting development we all three snuggled and purred on the Woman for a few minutes yesterday morning. She was blissful of course.
What a Christmas we had! It started with our fun package from the KoKo and his family.

Then, on Christmas morning I'm pretty sure Kaze was more excited than most human children. She was bouncing off of the walls and just incredibly excited. Since she wanted to be involved in everything she became the official ribbon holder. She took her task very seriously.

Then the Woman opened up a present for "her" and it was a Hepper Pod cat bed.I won't fit so I can only tell you that Latte loves it and sleeps in often and it even fits me very comfily! Kaze is not as thrilled...yet.

And the final thrilling part of Christmas was that the Woman got a new camera! The Awesome Man went all out and got her a Canon 40D which is many many steps above her XT. She was shocked of course and completely overwhelmed. For us this means even better pictures of us. Oh, and she got a book to explain it too so she's learning more about pictures. The Awesome Man thinks someday she could actually get paid for her cat photos if she takes them of other people's cats and not us.
Aside from that rather interesting development we all three snuggled and purred on the Woman for a few minutes yesterday morning. She was blissful of course.
What a Christmas we had! It started with our fun package from the KoKo and his family.
Then, on Christmas morning I'm pretty sure Kaze was more excited than most human children. She was bouncing off of the walls and just incredibly excited. Since she wanted to be involved in everything she became the official ribbon holder. She took her task very seriously.
Then the Woman opened up a present for "her" and it was a Hepper Pod cat bed.
And the final thrilling part of Christmas was that the Woman got a new camera! The Awesome Man went all out and got her a Canon 40D which is many many steps above her XT. She was shocked of course and completely overwhelmed. For us this means even better pictures of us. Oh, and she got a book to explain it too so she's learning more about pictures. The Awesome Man thinks someday she could actually get paid for her cat photos if she takes them of other people's cats and not us.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Frootbat Friday
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Meezer Rules Wednesday
Monday, December 22, 2008
Twosome Tuesday
We're starting to get into the holiday spirit. As you can see I have my special holiday collar on and we're in front of the tree with the special water at the base. I LOVE pine water its so tasty and good.
I was a bad girl yesterday. I saw that Santa Paws came early to our house and put a new wand toy in my stocking!! I was good for a week but then I could not resist. I jumped up and pulled the whole stocking down. I knew it was bad though and Santa Paws would not be proud so I just walked away and didn't take the toy with me. The Lap Lady says I have to be really good until Christmas now or else I might not get anything special!!
Man Cat Monday
On Saturday the Mail Man left a package at the front door. Of course I had to wait for the Woman to come home so we could take pictures when I opened it. It is a nip pad from my bestest friends Adan & Lego! I was so excited (the Woman was also leaping up and down)! Inside the card was to me (not the meezer rats) and it said I got to have the pad first. Can you guess who tried to usurp my gift first? I'll give you a hint....
Next....Latte decided it might be OK for him to take a turn on MY nip pad. It was not his turn. It is my turn, its always my turn.

As you can see I did eventually win after a few punches. I love my nip pad, it smells so nice and its really fun to ball it up and bite-bite it too.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Frootbat Friday
I know we haven't been commenting as much as usual but we're just kind of all sad. We really miss our friends Dragonheart & Merlin and we don't know if they're OK or not. We mailed them a letter but haven't heard from them, we just hope they're OK.
As everyone knows this Economy is bad bad news. Its getting tight at the office and today the Tall Man & Lap Lady have to let someone go. Its not something my humans want to do at all but they have to keep the company going for everyone else who depends on it. The nice man's part of the company is so slow there is no work for him to do at all. They've been giving him office related stuff (website, etc) but its just been too long with no new projects and none on the horizon (despite very valiant marketing efforts). The Lap Lady's been really stressed and depressed about all of this so we've been lying low and purring on her a lot. She's a nice Lap Lady and she can't stand hurting other people even when she knows its the only way.
In good news at least Auntie K is coming to visit us on Monday! She lives in Kentucky so its a nice treat and the Lap Lady can't wait to see her.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
A fragrant aroma!
Sorry, our Internet was down at home last night so no pictures and we had to post from work this morning.
However, an interesting thing happend between last night and now. Chase was starving- so Chase ate. Since he ate too quickly, Chase yakked. Meowmy was able to get him onto the kitchen floor (easier to clean up) and he did his business. She cleaned it up as per her usual course and then forgot about it.
A few minutes later she heard digging. She came out to find me covering the yak spot. Not an uncommon thing except what I did next had her befuddled.
I rolled around all in the bleach spot. It smelled sooooo good and clean! I dove head first rubbing my cheek right into the fabulous scent. I rolled around and repeated the lying down process many many times. I think she might have been laughing a lot but I'm not sure because that would have been rude and I don't think she's usually rude like that.
In case you're wondering, I am not spotted now. I do smell really really clean though!
However, an interesting thing happend between last night and now. Chase was starving- so Chase ate. Since he ate too quickly, Chase yakked. Meowmy was able to get him onto the kitchen floor (easier to clean up) and he did his business. She cleaned it up as per her usual course and then forgot about it.
A few minutes later she heard digging. She came out to find me covering the yak spot. Not an uncommon thing except what I did next had her befuddled.
I rolled around all in the bleach spot. It smelled sooooo good and clean! I dove head first rubbing my cheek right into the fabulous scent. I rolled around and repeated the lying down process many many times. I think she might have been laughing a lot but I'm not sure because that would have been rude and I don't think she's usually rude like that.
In case you're wondering, I am not spotted now. I do smell really really clean though!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Man Cat Monday
Its here! That big tree that grows in the living room once a year. Along with the tree comes the underground spring. I love this fresh spring that brings nice pine flavored water that is never ending and bountiful. Mmmm..... Though I do have to wonder why this spring only comes around once a year because otherwise I have to share the Drinkwell fountain with the meezers (which, eeeewww!) or drink from the bathroom faucet which is more laborious than its really worth.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Frootbat Friday
What a fast week this has been! The Lap Lady has been wrapping presents which is awesome for me because that means bows and ribbons! Every night I make sure to choose my favorite and play with it all night long. Then in the morning the LL comes down to find my toy and gets mad and steals it from me and says I'm "ruining" her pretty packages. This makes no sense to me because they are ribbons and bows=cat toys, right? I mean, I'm not crazy here am I?? My Auntie K will understand why her present doesn't have a bow on it.
Thursday, December 11, 2008

When Gamma had baby-Meowmy, Boe found and even more manipulative way of getting back at Gamma. Whenever they would come to visit (Boe lived in NJ and Meowmy lived in Maine as a little girl) Boe decided he really really liked little Meowmy. She was only like 3 years old but Boe totally adopted her as his pet. He slept with her, and even licked her face like Skeezix does to Mr. TF! Meowmy wanted Boe to come live with her soooooooo badly.
Boe lived a long and happy life until he was 17. Then his kidneys shutted down and one of our VET men (the owner of the practice) had to help him to the Bridge. Can you believe we have the same VET man as Boe? Well, our main VET is the owner's son but still we've seen him too. Because Meowmy loved Boe so much Gamma's Mom gave Meowmy Boe's carrier with his pillow and fur still in it. Meowmy cried so hard, this was her first loss of a loved one. For the next many years as her candle-blow-out birthday she wished that he could come back to this world. Now Meowmy knows he's happier at the Bridge and waiting for her there.
Fast forward 15-20 years later and Meowmy FINALLY got a meezer in her life again. Me!!! Oh, and Boe's carrier is still used for Gamma's kitties :). He was an amazing cat that will never ever be forgotten.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Meezer Rules Wednesday
(This is the room Meowmy painted over Labor Day. We have some other pictures we'll show you too. The wall hanging is from Ikea and Meowmy just loves it too!)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Twosome Tuesday
OK its FREEZING here even with the heatbox blaring. We've both taken to just sitting in the heatbox waiting and waiting for the warm air to come back on. Meowmy wrapped a bunch of presents in an effort to be festive so those will be fun to munch on in the days to come. She went out looking to buy some holiday decorations but the ones she liked were either made of feathers, glitter, or twigs- all things that the three of us would really enjoy playing with.
We have to start thinking and shopping for our Secret Paws friend! All of these human presents are pretty much useless except for the fun ribbons and the paper edges to munch on. Maybe Meowmy will let me go to Petsmart with her again because I like riding in the cart and once a year she lets me go with her.
P.S. We put up our dedication on the Dedication of Lights site for the 4 meezer friends we've lost in the past year. Its a fabulous way to honor the memories of our lost friends and help kitties in need at the same time. We highly recommend you visit and perhaps post in memory of lost friends (it doesn't have to be just meezers, its all kitties).
Man Cat Monday
What a relief! The Woman has been like a changed person since she took that stupid test. She was really nervous and froze when she started the test but thinks she did OK. She's really really relieved just to be done and does have a good feeling about it. She had plenty of time left on all sections but now she has to wait 3 weeks to get the score. She wanted me to thank everyone for their support, it made her feel much better and more confident!
And the visitors were..... the humans from The Cats Stephens! Percy was really great to allow them to come visit us especially after his recent surgery and happy cancer free news. I really liked them both, but I especially liked this coat that came with them. Kaze did her best to freak them out while they were sleeping and Latte did the whole don't touch my head thing. All in all we approve of them and they were well behaved as far as humans go. I approve them as visitors in our house as the properly acknowledged my awesome Man Catness which is impossible to deny.
As the Woman says a HUGE weight has been lifted from her we are now able to visit our friends in a proper fashion starting on Tuesday. We've been reading what everyone is up to but we know commenting has been spotty at best. Thanks for hanging with us.
Oh Yeah and Kaze is still celebrating her Most Playful Cat win and the fact that her boyfriend cat made such a big deal about it.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Frootbat Freaked Out Friday
Tomorrow is the day. The day of the LSAT. She is taking the train into Rutgers Camden in the morning at 7:30am. The Lap Lady is freaking out a "tad" and I just keep trying to purr on her, well when I'm not in the heatbox. She stayed home to study today but I'm not sure how she thinks more info is going to get crammed into her brain. I think it might explode if she tries to put more in there. She takes breaks to clean the house for after the test.
The Lap Lady says after the test she has a surprise for us! We are getting some visitors, one of whom is also taking that evil LSAT on the same day. Apparently they're coming to visit us more than the humans. Its supposed to be a celebratory weekend so I can't wait to play!!!
Can you guess who is coming to visit? I'll give you a hint, certain cats you know will be without their humans for the weekend. We can't wait! We've never met other blogging kitties humans before.
*******I won Catster's Most Playful Cat!!!!***********
Can you guess who is coming to visit? I'll give you a hint, certain cats you know will be without their humans for the weekend. We can't wait! We've never met other blogging kitties humans before.
*******I won Catster's Most Playful Cat!!!!***********
World's Coolest Cat Photo Winner!
more: cat pictures & breed info
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Worst Day Ever
I spent the night on the scratching post in the human's bedroom last night. I'm kind of dead to the world when I sleep so if you don't notice me I can't really fault you too much. The scratching post is in the corner too so its very hidden. The Woman gets up and puts those pieces of fabric on her body and went out to paint her face and such. I like to hang with the Awesome Man who sleeps like 15 minutes more. Not yesterday though. Yesterday he got right up and did his thing.
Being a pain in our butts the AM does not like cats in the bedroom when they aren't home because certain MEEZERS that live with us cause trouble. Hence the door is always closed. Well, I was really sleepy and didn't get up to rub all over him like I usually do.
Do you know what happened???? I WAS LOCKED IN THE BEDROOM FOR 10 HOURS. Thats right- TEN HOURS. Latte was hysterical. So upset that he ran to the Woman when she was home from work and was "up her butt" which he usually isn't. She asked him why he was and she finally heard my pitiful cries from upstairs.
Well, let me tell you did I ever have to poo!!!!! First I wanted to be pet. Then I wanted to poo. Then I had to pee. Those humans are so fricking lucky I didn't pee on any of their stuff. I should have too. 10 hours with no food/water/litterbox.
I demand to be taken off of my diet for my good behavior.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Purring is exhausting!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Man Cat Monday
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Snap Update #3
Snap is better! She has lots of piles of nice loose poop and is acting nice and cranky. All of the purrs worked so thank you very very much. Meowmy was able to "eat crow" and beg some bran mash off the woman where she used to keep Snap 4 years ago. She knew that the horses in that barn get weekly bran mashes so without a place to buy it that was her best bet. So Snap is better. Yeah!
However, this weekend continued to just kick my Meowmy when she was down. She went in to check on Snap this morning and was talking to her friend/barn worker. The woman had just fed the horses and was giving them hay as they were discussing if the horses should be turned out since it was cold and rainy. Suddenly, one of the 2 year old mares burst through her stall opening while the woman was giving her hay. The woman tried to slam the door shut but with no luck. Meowmy herded the horse down and put her away and asked how the woman was. Not good. She had basically been de-clawed on her ring finger, her bone was exposed.. Its much nastier than that but we're not going to describe it in great detail.
Meowmy rushed her to the ER and left the horses to fend for themselves for a while. Lots of phone calls were made and Meowmy stayed with the Woman through the cleaning/nerve block/iv antibiotics. They were going to send the lady to a hand specialist tomorrow but decided he should come right away. Luckily another barn worker was at the barn and had finished haying the horses but was really scared what was going on since she is 17. A brave girl she was because she found the tip of the finger and brought it over to the hospital so they could graft the skin.
Another friend was dispatched to help the lady in the hosptial and Meowmy went back to the barn to help out there. Then Meowmy broke down. Hard. She's just not really recovering well right now with all of this. She and the Toy Man fought since she's so on edge and then she has her big huge LSAT next Saturday. Meowmy is a wreck so we're going to take a break from blogging for a day or two. Thanks to everyone for their continued support- it has mean the world to us.
However, this weekend continued to just kick my Meowmy when she was down. She went in to check on Snap this morning and was talking to her friend/barn worker. The woman had just fed the horses and was giving them hay as they were discussing if the horses should be turned out since it was cold and rainy. Suddenly, one of the 2 year old mares burst through her stall opening while the woman was giving her hay. The woman tried to slam the door shut but with no luck. Meowmy herded the horse down and put her away and asked how the woman was. Not good. She had basically been de-clawed on her ring finger, her bone was exposed.. Its much nastier than that but we're not going to describe it in great detail.
Meowmy rushed her to the ER and left the horses to fend for themselves for a while. Lots of phone calls were made and Meowmy stayed with the Woman through the cleaning/nerve block/iv antibiotics. They were going to send the lady to a hand specialist tomorrow but decided he should come right away. Luckily another barn worker was at the barn and had finished haying the horses but was really scared what was going on since she is 17. A brave girl she was because she found the tip of the finger and brought it over to the hospital so they could graft the skin.
Another friend was dispatched to help the lady in the hosptial and Meowmy went back to the barn to help out there. Then Meowmy broke down. Hard. She's just not really recovering well right now with all of this. She and the Toy Man fought since she's so on edge and then she has her big huge LSAT next Saturday. Meowmy is a wreck so we're going to take a break from blogging for a day or two. Thanks to everyone for their continued support- it has mean the world to us.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Snap Update #2
We thank everyone for their continued purrs for Snap.
Meowmy went out this afternoon hoping to find her chipper and found her lying in the field. Her gums were dry and didn't have good capilary reaction. Meowmy called the vet right away and walked her until he got there.
This time the poop that came out of her was rock hard and had the vet not very happy. He put a big long tube up her nostril into her stomach and pumped mineral oil and water. Then he gave her 2 more of the shots he gave her last night. He told Meowmy to feed her some nice green grass and if she wasn't herself by 6 or 7 call him back again.
After a harrowing trip to Villanova to return a computer that HAD to be returned today they returned to the barn (she was being cared for by Jess while they were gone) and searched fruitlessly to find Snap some bran mash. Luckily Jess had one serving for her. Snap looks much better but still hasn't pooped in her stall this evening yet. Jess's boyfriend is checking on her when he gets back from Penn National racetrack late tonight.
Meowmy will head back out there dark and early to check on her again. This is really rough on Meowmy so I've been having to sit on her and purr a lot too. Thank you so much for the continued purrs. We'll keep you posted.
Meowmy went out this afternoon hoping to find her chipper and found her lying in the field. Her gums were dry and didn't have good capilary reaction. Meowmy called the vet right away and walked her until he got there.
This time the poop that came out of her was rock hard and had the vet not very happy. He put a big long tube up her nostril into her stomach and pumped mineral oil and water. Then he gave her 2 more of the shots he gave her last night. He told Meowmy to feed her some nice green grass and if she wasn't herself by 6 or 7 call him back again.
After a harrowing trip to Villanova to return a computer that HAD to be returned today they returned to the barn (she was being cared for by Jess while they were gone) and searched fruitlessly to find Snap some bran mash. Luckily Jess had one serving for her. Snap looks much better but still hasn't pooped in her stall this evening yet. Jess's boyfriend is checking on her when he gets back from Penn National racetrack late tonight.
Meowmy will head back out there dark and early to check on her again. This is really rough on Meowmy so I've been having to sit on her and purr a lot too. Thank you so much for the continued purrs. We'll keep you posted.
Snap Update
Meowmy and the Toy Man went back out to the barn at 11 last night and stayed until 12:30. Snap did not look any better and while she wasn't moving around she still hadn't pooped and was fidgety and didn't want anyone to touch her tummy. They hand walked her for an hour and it seemed to make lots of gut noises but no poop. Meowmy wanted to see the promised "huge amount of manure" the vet said to expect. Meowmy was a wreck leaving her and wasn't sure what to do. She decided to go back early in the morning.
Meowmy went out alone at 5:30 and found Snap sleeping where she had left her. At first it looked like no poop but she went in and found 3 mashed up piles. Then she sat down and cried in Snap's stall. Snap, always hating to see Meowmy upset pressed her muzzle against Meowmy's face for a long time and it seemed like she was telling her it was OK, she felt better and was so very happy Meowmy had been there with her.
So she's not allowed to eat grain yet and Meowmy needs to go out and find her a bran mash in the morning. She's also getting some pro-biotics for a few days. She still has lots of gas but she'll be turned out in the field in an hour or so and she can walk around out there and hopefully feel better. Meowmy is not going to Boston, she can't leave knowing Snap is just recovering.
Thank you so much to everyone that purred with us. Your comments helped wake Meowmy up early this morning and made her feel much less alone since so many of you knew what she was going through.
Meowmy went out alone at 5:30 and found Snap sleeping where she had left her. At first it looked like no poop but she went in and found 3 mashed up piles. Then she sat down and cried in Snap's stall. Snap, always hating to see Meowmy upset pressed her muzzle against Meowmy's face for a long time and it seemed like she was telling her it was OK, she felt better and was so very happy Meowmy had been there with her.
So she's not allowed to eat grain yet and Meowmy needs to go out and find her a bran mash in the morning. She's also getting some pro-biotics for a few days. She still has lots of gas but she'll be turned out in the field in an hour or so and she can walk around out there and hopefully feel better. Meowmy is not going to Boston, she can't leave knowing Snap is just recovering.
Thank you so much to everyone that purred with us. Your comments helped wake Meowmy up early this morning and made her feel much less alone since so many of you knew what she was going through.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Please Purr for Snap
Our very very big sister Snap is sick. Horses can't yak up hairballs like we can, in fact they can't yak at all- its a one way system so when their tummies hurt its a BIG DEAL and its call colic. So at 6pm the barn lady noticed Snap didn't eat her dinner, was pawing, pacing, had rolled on the ground (this can make their intestines twist which can kill them) and not acting herself. She called Meowmy who of course raced out there and the vet as well. The vet gave her a pain killer, and pulled the poop out of her (nice right?) and a shot of some stuff to help her pass her poop easier. There are different kinds of colic and the kind she has is called gas-colic so its like her tummy is filled with gas and it hurts her. She won't even let Meowmy touch her belly.
Meowmy just spent 2 hours at the barn with her (which is 30 minutes from the house each way) and came home since Snap was resting peacefully. However Meowmy is of course not completely satisfied so she's going back out there at midnight to check on her.
Could you please purr really extra loud for our sister? She's extra big so I guess it makes sense to purr louder. Meowmy was supposed to be going to Boston tomorrow but I think she's going to stay home with Snap even if she is doing OK. Silly Meowmy, never trusts the care of her furries to anyone but herself I guess. Yeah for us though!!
Meowmy just spent 2 hours at the barn with her (which is 30 minutes from the house each way) and came home since Snap was resting peacefully. However Meowmy is of course not completely satisfied so she's going back out there at midnight to check on her.
Could you please purr really extra loud for our sister? She's extra big so I guess it makes sense to purr louder. Meowmy was supposed to be going to Boston tomorrow but I think she's going to stay home with Snap even if she is doing OK. Silly Meowmy, never trusts the care of her furries to anyone but herself I guess. Yeah for us though!!
Frootbat Friday
I thought holiday weekends meant lots of time with the humans? Why are mine never around?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
From the Archive- Thursday Thirteen
First of all Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow American kitties.
We're so busy right now and its not going to stop until after December 6th. Victor the Vampire Kitty had an amazing idea of reviving some older posts. I was the T13er for our family and this was my very first one.
Things I do to Freak out the Lap Lady:
1. Stare at her while she's eating.
2. Meow in a really soft "mrruf" while she's eating. Then purr at her.
3. Realse the stink. I did this to the Tall Man last night. I know I have a toxic waste problem but its funny to see them react.
4. Knock stuff over in other rooms then act like I couldn't possibly have been at the scene of the crime because I'm faster than the speed of light.
5. While I'm purring normally sometimes I kick it into overdrive super loud purr and its like I'm on Chase's shrooms or something.
6. Stalk Chase and then mount him. I know I'm a girl cat and he's a boy cat but it really freaks the Lap Lady out!
7. Not eat my stinky goodness. Its nice for her to have to sit and pet me while I eat after chasing me around the house 5 times trying to get me to eat it.
8. Not eat treats. I know perfectly well how to eat them and they're tasty. Sometimes its more fun to have her feed me one by one.
9. Suddenly climb her while she's holding me. I'll have a burst of energy, dig my claws in, and make it to her shoulders.
10. Stretch out my full length. Its just not natural for a cat to be as long and skinny as I am.
11. Drop my jaw. It looks cool and creepy when I just open my mouth a tiny hair. It also looks like I'm possessed at night when my eyes are really dark.
12. Climb across the door moulding. Its a perfect way to freak her out when she looks up and sees me on a 2" wide piece of trim. She can't yell at me, I might fall down.
13. Not greet her at the door. Sometimes I'm just sleeping really soundly and its more fun to see her frantically search the house to make sure I'm OK.
We're so busy right now and its not going to stop until after December 6th. Victor the Vampire Kitty had an amazing idea of reviving some older posts. I was the T13er for our family and this was my very first one.
Things I do to Freak out the Lap Lady:
1. Stare at her while she's eating.
2. Meow in a really soft "mrruf" while she's eating. Then purr at her.
3. Realse the stink. I did this to the Tall Man last night. I know I have a toxic waste problem but its funny to see them react.
4. Knock stuff over in other rooms then act like I couldn't possibly have been at the scene of the crime because I'm faster than the speed of light.
5. While I'm purring normally sometimes I kick it into overdrive super loud purr and its like I'm on Chase's shrooms or something.
6. Stalk Chase and then mount him. I know I'm a girl cat and he's a boy cat but it really freaks the Lap Lady out!
7. Not eat my stinky goodness. Its nice for her to have to sit and pet me while I eat after chasing me around the house 5 times trying to get me to eat it.
8. Not eat treats. I know perfectly well how to eat them and they're tasty. Sometimes its more fun to have her feed me one by one.
9. Suddenly climb her while she's holding me. I'll have a burst of energy, dig my claws in, and make it to her shoulders.
10. Stretch out my full length. Its just not natural for a cat to be as long and skinny as I am.
11. Drop my jaw. It looks cool and creepy when I just open my mouth a tiny hair. It also looks like I'm possessed at night when my eyes are really dark.
12. Climb across the door moulding. Its a perfect way to freak her out when she looks up and sees me on a 2" wide piece of trim. She can't yell at me, I might fall down.
13. Not greet her at the door. Sometimes I'm just sleeping really soundly and its more fun to see her frantically search the house to make sure I'm OK.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Meezer Rules Wednesday
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Twosome Tuesday
Monday, November 24, 2008
Man Cat Monday
That Awesome Man, I adore him. I love to give him front-hugs and tail poof. He gets a little annoyed when he's trying to concentrate on something and I'm trying to get his attention. He's a really good ear scritcher and makes me purr. Be jealous Woman, I will not purr for you unless its absolutely necessary.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Frootbat Friday
I'm on to you. I know that you aren't just trying to give me and Latte treats. You're going to shove icky liquid in our mouths and then rub goo on our gums. Latte might love Temptations enough not to care but I would much rather not have such atrocities committed against my mouth. Have you tried to eat a treat after you've had such offensive stuff on your palet? I didn't think so.
Therefore effective immediately I will not come to you when you want me to. In fact I will run away when I see the syringe in your hand. Oh, and if you start to feel guilty and try to hunt me down "just" to give me treats, I won't eat them. Nope, you should feel horrible for this crime. I'm considering filing an animal cruelty suit against you.
In all seriousness,
Princess Kah-zee-zee Bumble-Stumps III
P.S. This does not affect snuggle time in any way. You shall make your armpit available to me for my comfort every night.
P.P.S You're all purring for Percy right?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Strange Happenings
On Sunday the AM & Woman went to this place and when they parked they looked over and saw this unidentified substance on the hood of this car. Upon further investigation it was what they thought it was- cat yak. Yup, a long haired white kitty who eats Meow-Mix left it on this car. The humans thought it was hilarious.

Does anyone know where they went? Here are a few clues... (Shh...facebook humans ;))
1. That is the Delaware River north of where we live on it.
2. Its historical.
We have a winner! This is Washington's Crossing on the Pennsylvania side. The site where Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas Eve, 1776. Thanks to Sunny for getting that one. Also thanks to Tavi's mom who also knew but didn't give it away.

Does anyone know where they went? Here are a few clues... (Shh...facebook humans ;))
1. That is the Delaware River north of where we live on it.
2. Its historical.
We have a winner! This is Washington's Crossing on the Pennsylvania side. The site where Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas Eve, 1776. Thanks to Sunny for getting that one. Also thanks to Tavi's mom who also knew but didn't give it away.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Meezer Rules Wednesday
Annual vet-checks are bad news.
Meowmy came home early yesterday and out came the PTUs. She scooped me and Chase up and carted us out to the metal machine. Chase cried like a baby the whole drive over there while I threw in a few good pitiful meezes for effect.
Of course I was the first to get tortured. I was weighed- 8.8 lbs, temperature taken, and then Dr. Ian came in to check on my health. Well, he scooped me up and placed hundreds of kisses on my cute tiny head while he cradled me like a baby. I think that man is a bit crazy, you know what I mean? I mean, he tortures cats for a living and wants you to like him?
Then he opened my mouth which ticked me off because I don't like my mouth opened so I ground my teeth in protest. Then he said he found something he didn't like. He said he though he saw my teeth chatter in response to him touching my one tooth. He said this could be FORLs (kind of like a cat cavity) but when he went to show Meowmy I fought really hard so he couldn't show her anything and then decided that perhaps I wasn't chattering- just being annoyed at the exam. So for now I just have to keep on my pulse antibiotics every month with Kaze. If it gets worse I'll have to have the tooth out but we aren't there yet. The good news: NO shots and NO bloods stolen!
Now for Chase's exam. He immediately got the FAT word thrown at him. Meowmy did stick up for him but then the VET showed her his chart and he's gained 1.5 lbs in the past 4 years and is up to 13.8 lbs. So because he's FAT we are all on a diet. Not fair!!! Meowmy has to cut all of our food back so Chase looses weight. I don't really blame her though- the first thing he did when he got home was go to the food bowl. Meowmy pushed him aside and he went back. 5 times this happend. Chase apparently is an emotional eater. He had to have a rabies shot and blood stolen for a titer and a blood test because of his age. He must be getting soft in his old age because he didn't poop on the vet techs stealing his blood.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
As you can see my front half is rather well color coordinated. hind end is not.
Have I ever shown you a close up of my tail and how different it is from the rest of my fur? Its almost like it belongs to another kitty but nope, its mine! If you biggify you can really see the rings on my legs and on my tail.
We got an e-mail yesterday from a great website that helps charities just by you shopping normally online. You know how your credit cards give you extra percents back for shopping through their online malls? Well this site takes those extra percents and sends them to the charity of YOUR CHOICE! How awesome is that? Check it out next time you purchase something from Amazon, Best Buy, etc. all you have to do is visit this site first and then go about your normal shopping business. Give Back America
Monday, November 17, 2008
Man Cat Monday
So what do you think of the new camera lens? Of course it looks best on my handsome self. It was a quiet weekend around here with the humans out and about doing stuff with other humans. As usual, I had an exhausting time just being myself and had to sleep the whole time.
The evil-fat-backyard-squirrels continue to torment me every morning by hanging out on the deck. I really really want to get them someday. I'm really sick of their sitting on the railing just staring at me, taunting with their dark little eyes. I laughed haughtily at them as they were blowing around in the branches with the 35 mph winds. No, at times like that I'm happy to watch them make fools of themselves.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Today I've been blogging for 2 years. I can't believe I woke up and spent that much time dictating to the Woman. Anyhow, nice to have known you all and lets get on with the shower of nip and Temptations.
Did you see the rats are finalists in Catster's Contest? They are now duking it out about who gets the family's coveted one vote. Go see the 75 finalsts- it was a great year!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Book Review

This book arrived just while Meowmy was sick and at home so she could lie there while I sat on her chest and read. Even though I had to fight my brother (who was miffed because he loves dogs) and my sister (who read the tale in HORROR) , I was thrilled to read about the adventures of Sooty (A Superior Cat- A.S. Cat) as he gets to go Out of Doors as much as he wants! I love Out of Doors but have to be on my harness when I venture out.
A.S. Cat touches on some really important topics such as evil squirrels, cat beds, food, mice, guests, as well as the main intrusion into his life- a big, fluffy, young woofie. I was validated to know that evil squirrels do in fact taunt us on purpose and that intruder cats stopped by his home as well but even though he is a mature cat he was known as the "Bombay Bouncer" and attracted the hot lady cats due to his tough exterior.
I'm very happy to have read this book because it affirmed my interests in NEVER EVER allowing a woofie in our house. First of all, certainly not a Chow. I could not handle poor manners and it would try to touch The Meezer without permission. No one touches my silky fur without permission! Plus, the Chow has NO manners what so ever and tormented A.S. Cat as soon as the human would leave. Reading this book made me realize that I perhaps do have life a bit easier even though I have to share with 2 other cats.
Even though Sooty has a thing against Purebred cats, his girlfriend is a purebred, so I'm sure he is just being his self-assured grumpy self due mostly to the dog invading his space. However, to keep the purebred audience I suggest he publically note that he has nothing against pedigreed cats and was just cranky because of the dog that invaded his world.
My favorite part was Sooty's month sum-up at the start of each chapter. In the feline way he made sure you knew the facts if you needed to take a nap between chapters. Seriously, go read this book for tales of the horror of letting a Chow into your feline world!! Keep your humans in line or else!!
3 Year Old
Seal Point Siamese
Friday, November 14, 2008
Frootbat Friday
*****Stop the presses!!! Latte & Kaze are finalists in Catster's Coolest Cat Contest. Latte in Stretch & Yawn and Kaze in Playful (Pictures on sidebar)*******

Don't I look innocent and sweet?? That's because I'm not. Hehe.... The TM's little sister made a pretty oragami ball for the LL's birthday. My LL was nice enough to leave it out on the table for me to discover overnight. I found it to be quite a puzzle but I sucessfully unwrapped half of it (while sitting in the heat box) and took bits all over the house. I went back to the heatbox for more pieces when I was bored. It was great fun but I'm not sure why the LL was annoyed?
We know that this week visiting has been spotty at best. We're hoping next week is much better or there WILL be bitties.
Don't I look innocent and sweet?? That's because I'm not. Hehe.... The TM's little sister made a pretty oragami ball for the LL's birthday. My LL was nice enough to leave it out on the table for me to discover overnight. I found it to be quite a puzzle but I sucessfully unwrapped half of it (while sitting in the heat box) and took bits all over the house. I went back to the heatbox for more pieces when I was bored. It was great fun but I'm not sure why the LL was annoyed?
We know that this week visiting has been spotty at best. We're hoping next week is much better or there WILL be bitties.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thursday Thoughts
That's right, you heard me, I meezed. Just because I usually coo doesn't mean I can't make other noises and I listen to that chatter-box Kaze all day long so I should know how to meeze by now.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Meezer Rules Wednesday
Happy Birthday Lap Lady!

The Toy Man gave Meowmy a new camera lens for her birthday!! We're all very excited because you know we're her photography subjects.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I've been a badbadbad girl and while I used to have perfect scratching tendencies I've started using the stairs. I need help with this compulsion as I can't stop on my own. Any ideas for how to make me stop before the Tall Man has a full blown freak-out on the situation?
***Thanks for all of the suggestions so far. I guess I should add that the humans very very rarely actually catch me doing it and if they do I take off right away because I know it is something I'm not supposed to do.***
Monday, November 10, 2008
Man Cat Monday
Saturday, November 8, 2008
PSA Paper Shredders and Pets
Today I have sad news to share. I wasn't sure how to break the news because its so sad but I decided to do it as a PSA in hopes that this will NEVER EVER happen to any of our friends.
Snap's barn has lots of feral/semi-feral kitties (along with the 3 well cared for kitties that live with in her barn). As ferals do, they reproduce and while the humans have been trying to trap/spay/neuter them the actual owners of the farm are not fans (hiss!). So there are lots of kittens to find homes for. One of the riders took home 3 very adorable kittens a few weeks ago. He was very excited to bring them home to his boys (he has 4 or 5 sons ranging from 10-19!). They are a wonderful caring family and they adore these kittens.
On Tuesday the Woman found out that one of the kittens tragically had to be helped across the bridge. The youngest son came home to find the kitten with his paws in the paper shredder. (I know, its shocking and horrible and just brings tears to your eyes.) The poor little kitten was bleeding heavily and crying and the poor little boy found him there. The Dad came home shortly after and rushed the kitten to the vet. Unfortunately there was nothing that could be done since his paws were completely destroyed by the paper shredder and could not have survived.
We do not have a paper shredder at home, the Woman shreds everything at the office. The shredder they had was obviously not stored away from curious kittens and turned on without a switch. Please, everyone take this as an opportunity to re-evaluate how kitty friendly your homes are. This family is devastated completely and we would never want this to happen to anyone we know.
Snap's barn has lots of feral/semi-feral kitties (along with the 3 well cared for kitties that live with in her barn). As ferals do, they reproduce and while the humans have been trying to trap/spay/neuter them the actual owners of the farm are not fans (hiss!). So there are lots of kittens to find homes for. One of the riders took home 3 very adorable kittens a few weeks ago. He was very excited to bring them home to his boys (he has 4 or 5 sons ranging from 10-19!). They are a wonderful caring family and they adore these kittens.
On Tuesday the Woman found out that one of the kittens tragically had to be helped across the bridge. The youngest son came home to find the kitten with his paws in the paper shredder. (I know, its shocking and horrible and just brings tears to your eyes.) The poor little kitten was bleeding heavily and crying and the poor little boy found him there. The Dad came home shortly after and rushed the kitten to the vet. Unfortunately there was nothing that could be done since his paws were completely destroyed by the paper shredder and could not have survived.
We do not have a paper shredder at home, the Woman shreds everything at the office. The shredder they had was obviously not stored away from curious kittens and turned on without a switch. Please, everyone take this as an opportunity to re-evaluate how kitty friendly your homes are. This family is devastated completely and we would never want this to happen to anyone we know.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Frootbat Friday
I'm very disturbed. Very. Disturbed. Firstly, my Lap Lady is never at home for TV/snuggle time. Secondly, since this human cold entered the house there has been very limited snuggle time in the snuggle room over night. And thirdly (by far the most disturbing!) the Lap Lady has been paying lots of attention to Chase!!??! She is MY Lap Lady. MINE. She is sometimes allowed to touch Latte but NEVER Chase. All petting is mine. This is making me cranky and mad at Chase. He sneezed yesterday and I had to give him a smack-smack-SMACK on his face. Then she went and pet him and I had to go get inbetween them. I'm very annoyed about all of this and shall continue to take out my agressions on him. Sure he punches harder since his paws are bigger but I yell louder and I have very sharp clawrs.

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