Sunday, November 30, 2008

Snap Update #3

Snap is better! She has lots of piles of nice loose poop and is acting nice and cranky. All of the purrs worked so thank you very very much. Meowmy was able to "eat crow" and beg some bran mash off the woman where she used to keep Snap 4 years ago. She knew that the horses in that barn get weekly bran mashes so without a place to buy it that was her best bet. So Snap is better. Yeah!

However, this weekend continued to just kick my Meowmy when she was down. She went in to check on Snap this morning and was talking to her friend/barn worker. The woman had just fed the horses and was giving them hay as they were discussing if the horses should be turned out since it was cold and rainy. Suddenly, one of the 2 year old mares burst through her stall opening while the woman was giving her hay. The woman tried to slam the door shut but with no luck. Meowmy herded the horse down and put her away and asked how the woman was. Not good. She had basically been de-clawed on her ring finger, her bone was exposed.. Its much nastier than that but we're not going to describe it in great detail.

Meowmy rushed her to the ER and left the horses to fend for themselves for a while. Lots of phone calls were made and Meowmy stayed with the Woman through the cleaning/nerve block/iv antibiotics. They were going to send the lady to a hand specialist tomorrow but decided he should come right away. Luckily another barn worker was at the barn and had finished haying the horses but was really scared what was going on since she is 17. A brave girl she was because she found the tip of the finger and brought it over to the hospital so they could graft the skin.

Another friend was dispatched to help the lady in the hosptial and Meowmy went back to the barn to help out there. Then Meowmy broke down. Hard. She's just not really recovering well right now with all of this. She and the Toy Man fought since she's so on edge and then she has her big huge LSAT next Saturday. Meowmy is a wreck so we're going to take a break from blogging for a day or two. Thanks to everyone for their continued support- it has mean the world to us.


Skeezix the Cat said...

We are all vary reeleeved that Snap is okay, and we will start purraying for the declawed ladey next. Yer poor mom!!!!! I think she needs to take a spa day beefore the LSAT so she feels all better.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Like Skeezy, we are relieved that Snap is better. We just now heard about it all since we don't usually expect you to post on the weekends.

We'll purr for Snap, your Meowmy's friend, and for your Meowmy. We can only imagine how stressful a time this is for her.

Keep on giving your Meowmy lots of love and encourage Chase to do the same. We know that we can already count on Kaze for that.

~J&B and their Mom

The Cat Realm said...

We are so glad to hear that Snap is o.k., and so sorry for the poor de-clawed woman!
And we are sending LOTS of purrs for your poor Mom - wrecked humans are NO fun - but we found that we cats can help a lot with the recovery - they seem to heal nicely with a pile of purring cats on them, hahahahahahahaha - at least that's what we try when our staff breaks down.
So - get to work Cats P - and we will help from here with lots of purrs!
The Cat Realm

Millie said...

OH, this is all so distressing. I am so happy for Snap, but that is terrible about the Hay lady! I hope she recovers as best she can, though I am sure this will be difficult and traumatic.

Your Mom needs to take care of herself! And Mom says good luck on that LSAT! We'll both be sending purrs her way!

Everycat said...

What a rotten time of it your Meowmie is having. She definately needs some time off so she can recharge herself a bit. We are very happy that Snap came through the colic well and we'll add the declawed lady and her finger to our rumbly purrs list. You have got some serious snuggling to do there methinks!

Rumbly Purrs

Whicky Wuudler & Family

Artsy Catsy said...

Oh, we're so glad to hear Snap is better, but our hearts go out to your poor Meowmy and her friend. Our mom had a similar kind of week and don't you just want to purr on them and lay on them to keep them warm and look up in their eyes so they can see how much you love them?

& all the Artsy Catsy kitties

The Lee County Clowder said...

We're with Skeezzy. You Mom needs a spa day, or at least a couple hours in a massage chair, or something.

Purrrrring for Snap, the declawed woman, and most of all for your Meowmy.

Max said...

I'm glad Snap is doing better, and I hope your Mom gets some quality quiet time. The LSAT itself is stressful enough without everything else kicking her in the boobies. You guys needs to sit on her and purr hard, and find someone to bring her chocolate. I'm pretty sure chocolate is a major de-stresser, plus it makes people happy.

I hope the lady who got her finger ripped off is doing all right, too. That's a major owie if I ever heard of one.

Just Ducky said...

Glad to hear that Snap is feeling better. Amazing what a few good poops will do to make you feel better.

Scary about the hay lady and her finger. Hope she does OK.

Now for the Lapy Lady. You all need to purr on her big time. I agree with Max, chocolate and lots of it should be ordered.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are so glad to hear that Snap is doing better. We will purr for the lady and her finger.

We are also sending out tons of purrs to your LL to feel better....

Junior, Orion and Meowm

Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice said...

We are praying everybody is much better soon...

Quill and Greyson said...

Glad Snap is feeling better. Please take all the time you need to calm the Lap Lady, we will be waiting for all of you when you get back to posting.

Good luck on your test Lap Lady!

Ikaika said...

We are very happy that Snap is better. We were sending healing purrs to her tummy. Our mom's friend the acupuncturist has horses and she treats her horses with TCM herbs and acupuncture when they have colic.

We will also send healing purrs to your poor stressed-out mom and to her friend who got hurt. Declawing is very painful for humans as well as kitties.

Hugs from 'Kaika, Tabbygail, Tanith, Stella, Miss Kitty, Midnight and Blackie

Chrissie said...

Good Heavens to Mergatroid! I'll be praying hard hard for your Meowmy..she needs lots of rest and TLC. And the Hay Lady..I'll be purraying for her, too..what a weekend! I think a spa day is definitely in order..a good massage, and some serious downtime!

PS-Yay for POOP!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Well we are glad that Snap is okay. However, we are sad for the Woman and finger. What a stressful day--and to think your person is thinking about the LSAT next week as well! I think a massage is in order--while the cat foot kind is great, I think it might be good to treat your Woman to a real human brand massage...

The Meezers or Billy said...

we are so relieved that Snap is ok!!! Your poor mommy. She needs to go to bed and snuggle all of you and pull the covers over her head for a while. And mommy says that the Tall Man should not haf fighted wif her no matter how cranky she was because she has hadded such a hard time lately. Our mommy says to tell your mommy to take a small break from the studying and just "veg"... whatever that is.

Nina Torbie said...

Oh my goodness! We're glad Snap's ok, but that accident with the 2-year old is quite frightening! At 17, Mom could have finished the horse feeding, but finding the missing finger tip...

Sounds like both your beans need plenty of fur and purr therapy and relaxation. Lie on them and lower their blood pressure, ok?
Nina & Victor

Meowers from Missouri said...

oh, poor mommy!!! we's glad we's helped purr snap all better; now we'll get to work on gettin' mommy's wits back, an' the hay lady's finger better.

love & purrrayers to y'all--
ed, nitro, & xingxing

Chesney Cats said...

We are so glad that Snap is better! We are purring for your mom & her friend. Hopefully next week will be better all the way around.

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Skeeter: Ok, now I been around fer a while an seen some bad things, so I wantya ta calm down.

First, it seems the horses are OK.

The girl Bein at the barn seems to have done a good job, too.

Second, it seems the horse lady is gettin the best help she can by the Being vets. She will get mostly better. And it ISN'T your fault. You couldn't prevent it.

OK, you hadda fight wif da Toy Man. Not good, but I seen these kinna things happen, Sometimes LC an I whap each other an we both feel sorry after. One of us eventually goes an licks the others furs, and we make up. I think it works a little differnt with Beins cause y'all don't have furs. But just do something.

"I'm sorry" usually seems ta help, but tradin a treat would be good too. I doubt ya want a good seafood Pounce, but I hear little choclates are good fer Beins. Mebbe just offer one...

I dont know about "LSAT", but The Big Thing took that years ago. He says the best thing he did was sit on the floor the previous night an listen ta "soft classical music", find his focus, and be peaceful in his heart.

An he says it helped ta have a cat on his lap purrin...

Hmmm? Oh, he says it was no worse than the regular SAT things...

So, calm down, settle disturbances, dont blame yerself fer things what aint yer fault, find yer purrin center, and do the "Oh Money Padding Hum" the night before the LSAT thingie.

Things have a way of working out...

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh Mew, Thanksgiving was quite a trying time fur everyone. We purr that this week is healing and calming fur all the hoomans and like the rest of the kitties said, you just purr and that'll help.
Teri and all the Furrydance kitties

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are very relieved that Snap is okay now. Lots of poops is good news. We are sorry the hay lady got declawed and we are purring for her to heal well.
Now, you guys, and that includes the Toy Man, you all need to do some serious loving and snuggling. She has had too much stress lately and now needs some relaxation.
Tell your mum we will still be here when you come back and our reader will tell us when that is, so just try and relax and take your time.

Kaz's Cats said...

What a weekend! We're very glad that Snap is on the mend, and that the Lady from the Barn got the right help real quick, but we're sending our best de-stressing and healing purrs to both of them, as well as girl who helped out at the barn and the Toy Man.

{{kitty hugs}}

Gypsy & Tasha

Anonymous said...

Ohh I knowz I is so very late! I am so very glad that Snap Snapped back and is healthy now! :)
That would have been mega ouchies for the lady! wow what force to do that! But she is lucky it is not worse. Make sure to tell your Momma that.
You know I thinks you need to remind your Momma of that song Doris Gay sang! Ka sa ra sa ra whatever will be will be.. Momma thinks of this coz no matter how hard we try and plan for things they will do what they want to do..
We just have to see the bright side of things, there is always sunlight, even on cloudy days, it's just hidden is all :))