Wow, its pretty disgraceful that we haven't posted in so long. It got really busy for the Lap Lady with school & work, but that is no excuse!
The Updates:
We have some tasty new food mixed in with our "healthy" food and it is really really yummy and makes my fur extra soft and shiny AND there is less stink in the house! It is Eukanuba and we're pretty darn impressed.
I'm really frisky this fall, I've even done some back flips while playing.
The worst part of it all was the flea meds....icky, I got some in my mouth and I foamed up and it was horrible. And then we got baths and I was FREEZING cold and wet, I actually let the Woman snuggle me and dry me and keep me warm.
Meowmy is trying to starve me. She offers me yummy foods and then never feeds me on time. It is getting ridiculous, I'm practically wasting away.
The bath wasn't so bad, the Toy Man snuggled me dry and then I smelled really fresh.
Kaze:There was a FLEA on my nose!! The LL freaked, bathed all of us (found no more fleas) and then put that flea stuff on our shoulders the next day. So yeah...all of that for ONE flea. It was pretty darn annoying.
I would fire the Lap Lady if I could. She never helps us blog, she doesn't even snuggle as much as she used to! I have to give her pathetic eyes and cry to make her feel bad.
I don't want to talk about my life right now, it sucks. After the ovarian issues (which a hormone shot seems to have fixed), I ended up with a horrific abscess in my hoof. I've been in my stall for 3 weeks. My foot gets soaked, treated, wrapped, and duct tapped. Have I mentioned I haven't been outside in that long? The Human tried to give me a nice little walk the other day and I just reared up, bucked, and tried to bolt. I want to PLAY!!!
Plus, that Human is useless, she is never around. Oh, and I hear my entire home and herd is moving to a new farm soon. Well, if they can find a suitable farm.
The human:
Guys, I'm really sorry. I really thought I would be able to keep up at least weekly updates but it just hasn't worked out. With all of the animal health issues, school, and work- I am so exhausted I barely have time to eat. I've been keeping up with what is going on but haven't had time to comment. I don't want to "retire" but I think I might have to take an extended "leave of absence".