Play special attention to his death defying "single finger through the jaw of death" move.
Monday, June 29, 2009
The Bite Game....a Video
Play special attention to his death defying "single finger through the jaw of death" move.
Did we forget to mention?
Quick Poll....Saturday is crazy 4th of July fun in our town. Should I enter the pet pageant again this year? I skipped last year.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
P.S. We entered a contest for local charities in our area. Votes cost $1 so we understand if you can't swing it, but if you can, we would love your help! Our entry
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Man Cat Monday & Meezer Monday
Friday, June 19, 2009
Box Day (with a frootbat twist)
Here we have some "sneaky froot". I'm sure he has no idea I'm here....
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Frootbat Friday
Bonus Meezer Colors belated picture: Meowmy's law school computer bag. She seems to think it may be pigeon holing her with her fellow students, but you know what? She's happier feeling close to us than caring about what they think. It has meezers all over it!!!
P.S. Today is 5 years since our humans tied the knot!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Meezer Colors Day!
1. The front porchy is painted light blue like my eyes.
2. The dining room is painted dark blue.
3. The living room is painted "Latte"- how perfect is that?
4. Our couch and love seat are brown.
5. Our Gizzy Quilt has browns and blues AND the back has all sorts of coffee words.
6. The blanket I'm napping in above is light blue on the one side and shades of brown on the other.
7. Meowmy gets all squee-like when she can get something that matches me or looks like a meezer, she loves to decorate in colors of me!
8. One of the humans sets of sheets is dark brown and another is light blue.
9. Our stroller is blue and I'm ALWAYS invited for a stroller ride.
10. I have my own very special DKM snuggle in colors of me. I luff it!!
Bonus: I do have pictures of this, but Meowmy's law school bag is tan and has meezers on it!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Tabby Tuesday
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Meezer Monday
Friday, June 5, 2009
Frootbat Friday & Gifts!
What I'd look like with no ears.
Our friends in Denmark Cliff and Olivia took part in the Pay it Forward Fun and we were lucky enough to be one of their first posters so they sent us a package from far far away!
Here is what it is all about:
“The exchange focuses on doing an act of kindness without expecting anything in return other than that the recipient will, in their turn, pass the kindness along and ‘pay it forward’ in their own way.
This is how it works…
We are going to agree to send something fun, inspiring or uplifting to the first 3 blog owners who post a comment on this entry. In turn you will then post about this on your blog, link to us, then send something to the first three people who sign up to play along through your blog.
There are no cost restraints, BUT don’t go crazy! The little something you send can be something you made, bought, were given or found. No biggie, just a gift that will make the person smile. Maybe something unique from where you live?
And, remember that kindness doesn’t have to involve money; there are untold ways to help others every single day, everywhere you go - just look around.”
The Lap Lady's favorite part was the handmade card by their mom! We knew she was super talented with photography but her painting skills are superb!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Things we've learned this week
The Woman was getting the whole schedule thing down and such, starting to feel adjusted when.....WHAM....Snap hurt her leg really badly. She has a huge scrape on her leg and it is really swollen. All of this means that after the vet came out, the Woman now has to go take care of Snap after class which means 30 minutes of hand walking and 30 minutes of cold hosing so she doesn't get to start her homework until 9:30. However, it is a slight blessing in disguise because it proved that she does have time to ride and made her get really efficient with case briefing.
Steps our law student has gone through this week:
1. What the??? How am I ever going to understand this let alone get it done on time?????
2. Hmm...this sort of makes sense. I'm starting to see connections.
3. Application to daily life aka SHUT UP with the contract talk already Woman!!
4. Pretty sure she's learned just enough to make her dangerous but not enough to be proficient yet.
5. She's still not exactly comfy with the whole socratic method thing (random calling on people to engage them in conversation) but she has made it through a few times and survived.
6. OMG she is SO the old lady. Right....because at 27 she can say that ::roll eyes::. However, the 22/23 year olds sure do seem eons away from her.
7. OK, one cat can probably fit in my lap with a case book and computer, however, I don't think 2 can make it. Sorry. (We find this rather annoying).
8. She often says things like "what a great picture! too bad I'm burried under my casebook and computer and the camera is in the other room. This, is unacceptable to us.
9. Law school is like high school. The Woman HATED high school. She also has an allergery to sorority chicks.
10. Cat free nights!! I never thought I would hear her utter those words, I thought it was only the Awesome Man who said such things. Apparently she needs to sleep through the night?
11. She gets to help us read blogs at work but at night she just has no time to post for us. We're still working this all out.
12. Words like promissory estoppel and assumpsit have started to actually make sense to her. She looks for consideration in every contract now. Oh and contract is abrevieated "K" in notes because it is too long to type.
13. Most importantly, she has almost survived her second week of a 6 week long class. We think she might actually make it through!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Home Needed
* I am a very sweet, mild-manner, almost two-years-old, neutered male cat.
* I desperately need a new home because of my Daddy's asthma.
* If you are interested or know someone who is interested,(please e-mail the Woman for the phone number ljparryATcamdenDOTrutgersDOTedu)
* You would love me and I would love you.

Monday, June 1, 2009
Meezer & Man Cat Monday
Hope all of our friends are doing well, we sure do miss you.