Don't forget Fin's challenge on New Years Day! Its her and her mom's and MY birthday! I can't wait to celebrate and I hope you all join us!
(For anyone following the LSAT struggle, the Lap Lady got her score last night and is not a happy Lap Lady. She got nowhere near what she really wanted but she says she did her absolute best to study and prepare and the score is what it is. Her dreams aren't totally dashed but she knows that she could not have worked harder for that test so she did her all and she's reaffirmed that standardized test are not her strong suit.)
Kaze, it looks like you are really enjoying your cat dancer. We are sorry to hear that the LL wasn't happy with her results, but she is right, she should be proud that she did her best.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Oh, if getting blurry shots would win awards Mom would have a room full of trophies!
We hope the Lap Lady doesn't get discouraged. Many do not get a good grade or even pass the first time. Just reschedule for the next test and take it again!
Don't worry LL, you will just be better prepared for the next time. Don't give up if it's what you really want!
Although I think the world also needs a famous cat photographer.
Interesrting cats blogging!
That toy looks fun!!!!
We are sorry your LL isn't happy with her scores....but as she says...she did her best and that is all anyone can ask!
Kaze, I bet you running around and playing will make your person feel much better. Junior is absolutely right and we hope that if this is what she wants, that she is able to make it happen, even if the standardized test did not help.
The Cat Dancer is my very most favorite toy!
Oh, your Cat Danser looks like wonderful fun! I can't wait to see more of your LL's action shots!
Willow and I will try to do Fin's challenge. She has baby pics but mine will have to be found and scanned.
I'm very proud of your LL for doing her best hope she is not discouraged. Maybe, if she wants, she will get the score she hopes for if she tries again.
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat
Hahaha the word verification was a perfect one for my comment - "horse" was the word! Say hi to Snap for me and I'm glad Snap is feeling better too!
any tests are not easy, it's the nerves that you have to go in with.
But your Momma should never say never, most things are only got through perseverance :)
Maybe it was just not the right timing this time, but maybe it will be the next :))
hehe I loves your action shots too!! And they are so crisp! My Mommas are all blurs :(
Deer Lap Lady
Our mommy says that standardized tests stink big time and that they nefur measure anyfing but how well you take a test, not what you akshually LEARNED. Plus, most people who don't do well on the memorization and standardized stuff do MUCH better in practice with their knowledge, and really, that's what you want in life - someone who understands, not someone who can memorize.
WE would like to say - concatulations on taking such a hard test!!!!
Kaze, the cat danser is a great toy!!!!!!
We want to ditto what Junior and the Meezers said. I think playing with you a lot will make her feel better, by the way. :)
That new toy looks super fun. Very stalkable.
Our mom knows nothing about taking good pics. She is unable to get any action shots that aren't blurry!
Your LL did her best on a very hard test and we are very proud of her!
So sorry that the LSAT reezults wern't whut yer LL wanted. But maybe she should be a werld-fameuss cat fotograffer insted!
We're sorry your LL wasn't happy with her LSAT results. She can't do more than her best. Tell her not to give up though. Your cat dancer looks like fun.
I hope you all and the LL have a great, meowy 2009!
Have fun with your new toy. Mum says that as long as the LL gets into her school the score means nothing. Mum didn't do that great on the GMAT and did well in grad school.
Cat dancer! That wooks wike gweat fun!
Mine Mummy hate tests and stuffs too. They never show what you can weawwy do.
I Cat Dancer is a really fun toy. Even I like to play with it, but the people get impatient with me because I like to stalk before I pounce and they want POUNCE all the time.
Sit on your mom and purr a lot. That LSAT is a really tough test, like an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10. The Woman says if she ever had to take it, he head would just explode right there in the testing room. I would like to see that, actually...
Yoo certainly look like yoo is having so much fun wif dat toy! We gotted fev ver toys and the messy one (Troo) got a bowl. We has to keep dat toy in mind fer next year so dat Santa Claws may get us one too!
You look like you love that Cat Dancer!
Tell your mom mine could use some tips on those action shots!
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