I'm very disturbed. Very. Disturbed. Firstly, my Lap Lady is never at home for TV/snuggle time. Secondly, since this human cold entered the house there has been very limited snuggle time in the snuggle room over night. And thirdly (by far the most disturbing!) the Lap Lady has been paying lots of attention to Chase!!??! She is MY Lap Lady. MINE. She is sometimes allowed to touch Latte but NEVER Chase. All petting is mine. This is making me cranky and mad at Chase. He sneezed yesterday and I had to give him a smack-smack-SMACK on his face. Then she went and pet him and I had to go get inbetween them. I'm very annoyed about all of this and shall continue to take out my agressions on him. Sure he punches harder since his paws are bigger but I yell louder and I have very sharp clawrs.

I think Chase will give you some punches tonight.....
Oh noes! Kaze! This is very bad to be so jealous of your familby!@
You look mucho wiser than that!
I hope the hooman cold leaves the house in a hurry and that your crankiness is just a side effect from it :))
We are sorry that Chase is stealing all of your Lap Ladies lap time. We hope you start getting some more soon. We gave you a couple of awards. Stop by and pick them up.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Aaaaah, POOR kaze! That is just NOT FAIR! How could anyone possibly not spend all their time cuddling you? We would cuddle you if you were here! Want to come over?
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
What could be next in this world? Cats chasing dogs???
Purrhaps this is part of Chase's evil master plan to annoy you, Kaze. We hope the evil cold goes away quickly so you can have more quality snuggle time with the LapLady!!!! Snuggling is VERY important!!!!
Which reminds us.... MOMMA!!!!!! its snuggle time!!!!!
good luck Kaze,
Rossetti and Kirara
PS we luv luv LUV your new title picture!!!! very kyoot!!!!
Kaze, I know just how you feel! Sometimes, my Mommie pets HARLEY instead of me. This is very Wrong. I think you are right to get in between them.
Oh Kaze.....that evil jealousy thing. I feel ya! I don't like it when Meowm pets on my brother, but I have to remember, he was here first. Doesn't make me less important or less loved, he was just in her heart first.
**the word verification is "hysed"...seems alot like hissed off to me** MOL!
Kaxe I think you are right. This is horrible that your person is being unfaithful. Perhaps it is her illness...
We are giving you some virtual snuggles and pets, Kaze! Such a pretty girl deserves (almost) ALL the petting! :)
Just remember that siblings are good for such things as cuddling and entire body lickings. They can keep you warm at night (if you're not under the covers, that is).
I hope you & Chase make up soon!
I know how you feel. Mom should only be petting me, never ever the twins. You have lovely froot bat ears, today, Kaze. And I really like how your tail is wrapped around your feets in the 2nd pic.
Hope your weekend gets better.
Your pal,
Kaze, I do not blame you for being disturbed. Make sure you take some time today to sharpen your claws ;-)
Kaze yous shoulds shares wif Chase somes, Is only fares! ~Empress
In response to those who think I should be "fair" I am unfamiliar with this term. MINE is all I hear :).
I get cranky, too, when Autumn steals my laptime with our bean. Knocking something off a shelf will get some attention -- guaranteed!
Sharing is the pits, Kaze. ::sigh::
I know just how you feel Kaze. Sometimes when I get under the covers in the middle of the night to snuggle with mum, Eric is already there. That makes me hiss at him.
Friday night smackdown!
I'm so glad I'm an only cat!
Thank you so much for your Purrs and Prayers for Maggie Mae. She is doing better, and we will go back to vet in the morning for a re-check.
Thanks again!
Momma Bobbie and The Bunch
I guess peace day is over officially over there.
Just you come on over here, Kaze. We'll show you all the love a gorgeous girl like you can stand. Since the Sandy Man left and went back to the Very Sandy Place, my mom's been DRIVING ME CRAZY with her snugglin' and snorglin' and various other forms of touching me. I mean, I like pets, etc., as well as the next mancat, but everybody has their level!
I think it's pritty obveeuss that yer lady is going insane. I meen, hoo wood chooze to pet a low rent common DSH insted of yoo? That suks bad.
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