Monday, July 27, 2009

Toesday/Tailsday We're still here!

I know, we said we would be back to normal....and we lied. It is all because of this silly office move thing that has been pushed back 4 weeks now. FINALLY, tomorrow, the movers come and the stuff goes to the new building once and for all!!

We miss you all so much, we haven't even had a chance to catch up on our reader in a week. We are very sad about that as we miss our friends so much. The Lap Lady had her inevitable breakdown over the weekend and we seem to be fighting our way back to normal....somehow.

I have been a very good trash thief and have taught the LL to play fetch with receipts! I also licked some cheese on the counter which apparently was a "Kaze NOO!" offense. Beats me why? I've had to purr my little purrer to the brink to keep the Lap Lady's nerves in check, boy it is a lot of work. Even Chase has had to step in (which makes me MAD, she is MY Lap Lady!!!!)

Thanks to all of our very faithful friends and readers for sticking this out with us. We truly love you all!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

So good to get your news, dear friends! Something odd happened there with your blog for a few days when there was what appeared to be a "ghost post" entitled "Proof I was there" that never actually materialised!

Anyway, we're so hapy to have you back, and we will have our #1 back with us on Thursday!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh dear! Latte if it is too much for your Mom come here and join us for a few days.

I hope that your person gets less stressed and can do some fun things again!

Anonymous said...

We're glad to hear from you, but we want also to send relaxing purrs to your LL for a less-stressful week ahead...

Chesney Cats said...

Things just get hectic sometimes. We're trying to get our mama to post more & leave comments more often, but sometimes it's not easy. We do what we can, huh?

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is cool, Kaze, Latte & dear Chase~!
At least you are staying good, I miss you 3, too!
Just let your bean finished their business then blog, it's ok!

The Creek Cats said...

We're sending your LL lots of pawsitive vibes during this very stressful time!
We miss you guys!

Max said...

Ya gotta cut her some slack...she's got her head filled with stuff now and it's gotta be hard for a person to get anything done with a head filled with stuff.

The good news is that someday she'll be done stuffing her head and she'll go to this place and they'll use a bar to get it all out. And then she'll be able to help you blog!

Daisy said...

Kaze, I cannot imagine why licking cheese is a NO NO. I loves cheese.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We got that ghost post in our reader too.
We are sorry that LL is getting stressed but once the move is all finished, hopefully she can start to relax again. We will send our relaxing purrs to see if that helps. Your poor little purr box must be about warn out.
Try to lick the cheese when she isn't watching next time.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

WE are so glad to hear from you!

We will be purring for the LL from here. Hopefully that will help her and give your purrer a break Kaze!

The Furry Kids said...

Sending lots of hugs and purrs to your LL. Stressed out wimmins is stressful on a kitteh.


PS - If it's any consolation at all, we're way behind in visiting too and The Mom isn't in school or moving offices. Just saying.

Motor Home Cats said...

Kaze, why is licking cheese a "NO" offense. If they didn't want you to lick it, they shouldn't have left it where you could get it. We hope that as soon as the move is over, your mom can relax before her next class starts.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

las794 said...

Gee, I can't imagine how law school could be stressful. ;D Love that elegant photo of you, Kaze!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Moving's hard. We just did it and are mostly settled in, but getting back to blogging regularly isn't happening yet.

Moving a business, oh my :-0 I've been an employee twice in businesses that moved. I can't imagine the stress of being the person responsible FOR the move :-0 I hope the move went as good as possible today, and that your LL's stress will lessen soon.

SophieKitty said...

Good to hear from you guys! And I always thought that licking cheese was a kitty right.

Unknown said...

They have cheese on the counter?!? We have definitely got to figure out how to get up there - it may be worth the NO. Glad to hear you are back in action. Moving an office & law school? No wonder your LL is going crazy. Tell her to hang in there and give her lots of purrs. Teaching her to play games may also help....

Loki & Trevor

Just Ducky said...

Don't wear out your purrer, you will still need it in the future. Once this move thingy is done, then maybe she can relax. But then the next law class will start too. Keep your motor running!

Skeezix the Cat said...

I hope yoo guys are bak soon, cuz not being abul to see Kaze is makin' my big bruther Mao grumpy. More than uzual.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Just put up with the LL fer a few more days and all will be well. The Beins are so fragile an we got ta give them room to go a little nutsy sometimes...

Sigh, we allus have ta be the patient ones.

Cat with a Garden said...

With so much going on we totally understand! Cats must do what cats must do. Keep up the good work on your humans.

Sasha said...

I hope everything is sorted soon.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

It is good to know all of you are managing with everything that goes on over there. Here it is also busy and I am screaming myself hoarse. It does no good, so just have a nice nap kitties


Chrissie said...

I think it's good you're a stealer, Kaze. Sometimes our LL's need a diversion..especially when they're puttin' gnawlidge in their heads. Apparently, putting gnawlidge in your head makes you a little nuts-I'm sure glad we're BORN gnawlidgeable! I miss you, LOTS!