Also, the contest I entered for the local animal charities extended the deadline until August, 15th. The grand prize is an actual photographer coming to take MY picture. Instead of the craptastic lazy Woman. So if you can, votes are much appreciated!! (Since you have to pay $1 a vote we understand if you can't contribute!)
Fur Butts Contest
And to get you excited.....the rarely ever seen....Chase kitten pictures. These are from before I lived with my humans.

Excuse us but the LADY of your house takes fabulous pictures!
From a rather crabby #1 who is stuck in Nova Scotia on her way home to the gang....
Oh Chase those are adorable pictures. We can see you already had huge mancat paws.
Aww Chase, you were so cute.
Squee! Chase, you were such a little cutie!
SQUEALLLLLLL! Oh Chase, what a cutie!
We're you just the cutest thing Chase?!
Mum is all bummed cuz she doesn't have and won't ever have kitten pictures of me.
What a little cutie you were Chase!! And you've grown into such a big handsome mancat!
What a cutie you were, Chase!
Chase, you were such an adorable little baby kitteh!
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