Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bad Frootbat Friday

I had a little incident last night that ended up in quite the traumatic incident. I was playing with a choice piece of trash (which my LL swears she has no idea where I found it because she just cleaned the kitchen). Suddenly I inhaled it! It felt really weird in my throat and I tried to cough it up but it wouldn't come up. Every time I took a breath the paper rattled in my throat and I was very askeered. My LL ran up and got the PTU (wrong one, I've never been in that one!) and then shoved me in there and then we went into the metal machine. I was really really askeered and I couldn't breath right. The LL tried to tell me I'd be OK but I couldn't believe her. About 5 minutes into the ride I had a BIG cough and then the rattling in my throat stopped.

By the time we got to the ER vet I was meezing normally but my gums were not looking good so they put me in the Oxygen tank for a while. This was not much fun and my LL was not with me! I did my usual purr so much they can't hear my heart beat and the vet had to leave me with my humans for a while so I would calm down a bit. Which I did. And then I was OK. I think the LL was worse off than I was.

When I got home, you're never going to believe this, Chase was NICE to me!! He just sat in front of me and blinky eyed at me for a long time. I guess he does kind of like me. I have to go rest now because it was a sacrifying experience and I was sure I would never make it home again!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh my Kaze! How scary that must have been! You should not play with little things you find on the floor unless you can eat them afterwards!

We are glad you are okay!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kaze, that was really quite terrifying. Your poor LL, too! We hope you never do that again! Chase may be an uber macho mancat, but deep down, he loves you, too.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oh Kaze, I am glad you are doing ok now~!
And Chase is a very understanding big brother, he knows the things between serious and playing~!!! He will watching over your back!

meemsnyc said...

Oh my Kaze, how scary and how scary your beans must of been!! We are so glad you are safe and feeling better. Dante likes to chew on things too, once we saw him with string and I snatched it up because we don't want him to choke. Meezers are such curious kitties.

Cliff and Olivia said...

What a scare! We'll be sure to never inhale paper. We're so glad you're doing fine. It's good to know that even Chase can be nice under the right circumstances ;-)

AB clan said...

Kaze we hope you feel perfectly O.K. now.
ViVi & AB

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh poor Kaze! What an absolutely terrifying experience! We are so glad you are better but we can imagine that you will need extra cuddles and treats for a while to help you recover.

Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan

Parker said...

Oh my! How scary for you and for your LL!
I am so glad you are OK now!

Niko and Cloud said...

Oh my! How skeery!

We are so glad you are OK!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

poor baby, do no do that agin

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh my heavens Kaze!!!!! Please stay away from that paper!!! We want you to keep breathing and pouncing on the LL's head! We are so very glad you are okay. You better meeze on your beans alittle extra. They tend to get really skeered when we get sick or have close calls like you just did. Their hearts are just so frail.

Junior, Orion and Meowm

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Oh no, Kaze! We are so glad you are okay, but don't ever do that again!!! Very scary!!!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

OMG KAZE!!! how terrifying!!! I'm shur that your LL was just beside herself and all leaky too. Chase must haf been furry werried as well for him to be all blinky eyed at you!

Daisy said...

Oh my Cod, Kaze! What a scairty thing to happen! I am so glad you are okay now. ::shivers::

Sunny's Mommy said...

That is very scary! I'm so glad you are okay, Kaze.

The Furry Kids said...

Oh holy crap, fellow Froot Bat!!! That is super duper askeery. Are you feeling ok today? I'm worried about you. Lots of hugs to you and your LL.

Your pal,

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh poor Kaze, you must have been so scared, and your LL too. We are glad you are all right now. Please be very careful in future.

Max said...

Whoa...that had to be wicked scary! And I bet your LL now has about 62 new gray hairs. I'm glad you coughed it out before it was really really bad...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Oh Kaze, we are so glad you are OK! Iza chews on cardboard, so we are tellin her ta stop. We sure dont want our little sister ta get all chokey...

SophieKitty said...

Kaze, I'm so glad you're better. I can't imagine how ascairt you were.

Just Ducky said...

Kaze don't scare us like that. Stay away from little pieces of paper, wrappers and all. I like them too and mum springs at me if she hears any kind of krinkle noise.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh Kaze, you poor little silly thing.
Pierro also gets into mischief and it has been yeeeeears since I got into mischief (but the times were good and wowie I have great memories, especially eating the needle and thread)
I am so happy you are safe and happy and breathing. I think my mom would have been screaming her head off.

purrrrs have a lovely sunny week-end

Team Tabby said...

Oh my, Kaze, that was so very scary and we are so glad you came through it okay. How's yer lap lady doing?

Mindy, Moe, Bono

Anonymous said...

OMC, that's scary! They didn't do a Himelik on yoo??? Are yoo reely okay now??? Cuz I don't think they put yoo in the oxyjin tank until yer abowt to go to the bridje! That whut they did with Rocky once. He stade in an oxyjin tent all nite.

Karen Jo said...

That must have been really scary, Kaze. I'm glad you coughed out the nasty paper before you got to the vet. I hope that you and the LL have completely recovered now.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Oh, how VERY FRIGHTENING! I'm so relieved that you are all right. Is there anything like a Heimlich for cats? Be very careful about what you put in your mouth and swallow. You lap lady (and the rest of your family including Chase) need and love you very much.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Kaze!! I am very glad that your momma was there at least! That would have been so extra scary for everyone!@!!
We are very very glad that you are ok!

Mr. Echo said...

That story skairt me! Sweet Kaze yoo musta used all yur braves. Both yoo and Kimo haz had a bad week. I think I'm gonna go lay down sumplace safe and stay outta trubble. Purrs to yoo and yur skairt famly!

Cat with a Garden said...

Kaze, what a horrible experience! I'm very very glad that you are okay now! I came by to tell you how much I would love to have you on board my Silky & Slender Crew. You're the original frootbat, silky, slender and crazy - that fits all the requirements more than 100%! ; )
Purrs, Crazy Cat Chilli

Flamincatdesigns said...

I would like to pass an award on to you. I love your blog!
Please come by my blog to pick it up.

Chrissie said...

Heaven's to Mergatroid, Kaze! You be careful! We do NOT want to lose you, 'cause we love you so!