Monday, July 21, 2008

Man Cat Monday

This weekend was HOT. Like really really really really hot. Scorching and humid- just like an NJ summer should be. Anyhow, the Awesome Man seems to think our grass is thirsty so he waters it.

He made me get my paws wet!! Actually I didn't really mind that much. See my wet paw prints? The Awesome Man said they were cute and the Woman of course (ever present with the flashy box) agreed.
Here I am checking to see if the Man in Blue Shorts left me any treats. All good mail in this house is for cats of course. And really its all for me. Especially when we get snuggles and squiggles from DKM. Sadly it was Sunday so there was no mail.
You don't think my furchin is getting a bit much do you? I blame the harness.
I wasn't out too long but when we got back in the scariest thing in the world happened- the Woman tried to take the harness off! She got the neck part off and then went for the belly part. Well, you know she was trying to kill me! I went to bite her and I hissed and ran away. I took off behind the couch which unplugged the computer (hehe) and ran upstairs into the cat room. The Awesome Man laughed while the Woman knew I was dead seriously having a panic attack. I wouldn't let her near me so the Awesome Man had to come take it off. I had literally backed myself into a corner and I growled and tried to bite him too. He's just lucky we play the bite game a lot so he knew how to keep me from biting him. Anyway, he eventually got it off. Apparently I'm never going outside on a harness again.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Dearest Chase~
That is NEAT! You go out and have some awesome adventure~!
Certainly not everything is working on the trail, but, I think it's good enough around you!
Look at you,
I wouldn't dare to go out~! But you are a very dashing mancat~!!!!!!!
I hope you have a very good nap after you back home,
it looks heat outthere, and I believe your toes will need to cooler air~


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, Chase, it looks like you are having a great time outside on your harness. Sorry to hear that taking it off was such a production!

Texas said...

I always like my harness being taked off, I don't mind wearing it so much anymore, but when I first put it on I backed around the house in reverse for like 20 minutes and my beans rolled on the floor laughing at me! The indignity!

The Furry Kids said...

You had a great adventure outside!
I'm sorry about the de-harnessing. That sounds horrible. But you did the right thing - growling and biting are always mancatly.


The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

UMMM...It sounds like your harness days are O-V-E-R!!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

me wiggles lots and lots when the mom lady person tries to put the harness ON. - Billy

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Yea... that whole harness thing is pretty iffy, if you ask me. I hate it when #1 puts it on me, and I keep flopping to the side to try and get rid of it. Freedom is best!!!


Ramses said...

Owww... I know about harness fear! Only My Mummy is allowed to put mine on me and take it off me and no one is allowed to watch her do it or I too freak out *big time* maybe this is why the run was built?!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

chase, yoo r so lucky, i have nefur bean outside, efur!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Wow Chase! An outside adventure! Me never gets go out on harness, mommy say I too scarty and umpredikable. Me has to sit in da window an watch dem all out in de back yards playing. No fairs! ~Empress


Me tinks your furchin is quite nice, great for cuddles!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Chase that sounds horribly frightening!!!

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Oh, Chase you looked so handsome outside. So far harnesses have not worked on me or especially not on Willow. I'm sorry that your de-harnessing was so traumatic but you did behave very mancatly!

Purrrrrrrs, China Cat

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I didn't like the harness being put on or taken off...but I was very happy to have it off. Curse it has been AGES since I had one on.

At least you had some fun exploring!

Daisy said...

I wonder why you did not enjoy having your harness removed? Because it looks like you had a wonderful time outside.

PB 'n J said...

You were having such a good time that you didn't want to leave right?! Maybe next time they can leave the harness on till you come in and settle down for a nap.

Sunny's Mommy said...

You certainly had an exciting Sunday! I think you are a very brave mancat for going outside. So sorry to hear that's not going to happen again because of the harness incident. Hee hee. Time for them to get you a stroller instead!

PS: I think your furchin looks just fine.

LZ said...

Oh we have a stroller already :)!!!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Time fer a stroller!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I am so sorry that getting your harness taken off was a frightening ordeal. I hope you get to go out again... really!

Anonymous said...

Do not worry Chase, the Mom always caves in, in sweet surrender to the whims of the cat!

Lux said...

O dear! It sounds like you were having a sort of great time (I'm not sure about the wet feetsies) until the harness incident. Sorry you got so upset!

Chrissie said...

That's EXACTLY what I do when on the harness. I flop around, too, like a ginormous whale, 'cause, dude, I am gettin' that thing OFF!
Nah, your furchin looks fine and manly to me, and my mom says it's hard to make good raspberry noises in a furchin that's too skinny, there's no ripple effect-wait-MOOOO-OOM! Don't you think that's a little TMI?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We dont blame you. All 3 of us go berserk if put in a harness!

Mr. Echo said...

I got all kinds of skairt one time when I wuz on my harniss and Daddy surrpurrized me. I went crazee!

Black Cat said...

Oh, you had such a good time, don't give up! All you need to do next time is to have the AW take off the leash and then wait till you've relaxed before taking off the harness:) xxx

SophieKitty said...

I know I wouldn't like a harness, because I don't like anyone touching my belly. Sorry you won't be going outside any more. It looks like fun.

TabbyNormal said...

I do love your little paw prints.

Just Ducky said...

I don't like the harness either. That is why I only go out inside my porch!

Dark n Stormy said...

That does sound scary. It reminds us when mum put Tanya's harness on for the first time. She bucked and ran around and into walls like a wild bull!!

We totally should have given u a ring when we were in S. Jersey!! We stopped over at Bellmawr because mum was getting sleepy. We weren't because we slept the whole way in the car!

We like Boston, but we miss our birdfeeder. So we people watch all day instead of bird watch :)

Tanya & Chanel

The Island Cats said...

Wow, Chase, you got to go outside! I love outside but don't get to go there much. Oh, and the harness thing? I don't let anyone put one of those things on me! I made such a fuss when Mom tried to put one on me. Now she just hooks the leash to my collar.


Sunny's Mommy said...

Oh we have a stroller already :)!!!

Oh, well, that's good! Then this coming weekend you can go out strollering :-D