As the Man Cat of the house no cat messes with me. Yes this is Latte's precious pink mouse and no I'm not supposed to play with it because apparently its SO special to him. But it smelled interesting so I wanted to lick it. And lick it some more. And all Latte could do was watch me. He even gave the Woman some pitiful looks and she came and took it from me but I got it back anyway. Latte in no way would steal my joy so instead he came over and licked my head.
After I got bored with it he ran right over and reclaimed it as his. It must be tough to be a "middle child". I wouldn't know.
Buddah whines like a little girl when I play with his toys, too. It's not like HE was playing with his stuff when I took it. He just didn't want ME to have fun. Whatever happened to little brothers learning to share???
Latte, you are the nicest of cats. I'd have stolen that mousie back right away.
Latte is really really nice,
I really hope I will have this nice brother, too!
First you share the blog. Now this? Times, they is a changin!
Chase, I agree. As the oldest and the Mancat of the house, all toys are yours except when ya dont want em!
We have always had to share all of our toys, so we have never had a toy that was just ours. What is it like?
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Oh dear, sharing can be such a pain!
That was very nice, if I even pass two feet from Griffin while he's playing he assumes I'm interested in his stupid ball and starts growling at me. I might be a tempered bitting princess but I would never growl!
Purrrs, Tamra
i would haf whapped and stolen it too. after all, ALL the toys are mine - Sammy
I have taken over the nip carrot. I don't think my brother ever touches it anymore! And it was his favorite.
Latte, it was nice of you to share your mousie with Chase!
It was nice of you to share Latte!
Pearl and Bert
Chase, dude, you do get all the toys, it's a ManCat/Oldest Cat/Biggest Cat rule.
Me guess me is da "middle child" nows. *pout* Me not da baby any mores!! .... If me was dair I'z come lick you head too, Chase. hehe
Maybe Latte was trying to get that nip-mouse essence from licking your head -- a little transference... Huggy Bear prefers the pink mice too. Pink is the new black, you know.
Did you try to put the bitey on his ear? Titus always gives up his toys when I do that. heh heh
Chase, it is a huge responsibility to be the older and wiser, I know.
Pink mousies do get old after a while
All the toys are mine now. Cept if the boy finks they's his. Bonnie didn't wanna play much, but as a kitten, she flew round the house!
Grayson generally lets Gandalf have or do whatever and whenever he pleases. Alpha cat rules!
Um, Mom was logged in, sorry. Mom, it's our turn to blog!
You don't want any of the small critters on my porch. They would eat you out of house and home and take all your toys. Plus they would hiss at you.
Well, it all worked out well in the end, eh? Latte gave you the mancatly respect you deserve! :)
Of course all the toys bewong to us, firstborns! Though most of the time, I think it's beneath mine dignity to whap and chase That Thing's siwwy toys awound, so I just wet him pway with them.
Chase, you should be able to share Latte's special mousie now and then! But I guess I am lucky, Sam and Sabrina really don't like to play with our toys so I get all of them! And I am the baby ... hee hee! Yippee!
Purrs and headbutts,
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