Happy 4th Birthday Beautiful Girl!!!!

At first my frootbat ears were pretty tiny. That didn't last too long.
I loved my family very very much. My mother is a Chestnut and I look just like my Daddy. I am the one snuggled closet to their heads.
I have been blogging pretty much ever since I moved into my forever home 3.5 years ago. You have all been with me through my good times and bad and I love you all very much! I never get to talk about my fun and games anymore and that makes me sad. The Lap Lady says I have to be willing to give up some stuff to help her get through law school. I do my very best to make her happy, she is VERY important to me and I will not let other kitties get love from her without being involved. However, since it is the holidays the three of us decided to involve her in a cat pile. That's right, all three of us on top of her!
Here is to a Happy and Fresh New Year!!!!
What a Froot Bat Baby!!! Happy Birthday! Happiest of New Years to you!
Happy Purrthday Kaze!
I love your kitten pictures...you were quite the baby frootbat then! It's easy to see how you grew up to be such a pretty kitty!
I hope your birthday is 52 kinds of awesome!
Happy Purrthday, Byootiful!
Hippy, Hoppy, Happy Purrfday dearest Kaze!
And Happy Mew Year to you all! :)xxx
Happy New Year and Happy Birthday, Kaze. You had great frootbat ears as a baby.
HAPY BIRTHDAY, pretty girl and dear, dear friend! Your baby pictures are outstanding and you are of course the prettiest and most fun lady cat we know!
That cat pile with the LL sounds like a lot of fun. Do it more often. We are sure it will be help her a lot in her studies!
Happy Birthday! Have a great day. we came over from Skeezix's bloggie.
Milo and Alfie xx
Happy Birthday Kaze. We love seeing baby pictures of you, you are just so ridiculously cute.
Happy New Year too!
What a cutie you were as a kitten. My those ears!
Happy Birthday, Kaze! We love seeing your baby pictures. You are adorable!
Happy Birthday, Kaze!! Those are some of the cutest baby pictures!! We hope you have a great day!
And Happy New Year to all of you!
Happy, happy purrthday Kaze. Your frootbat ears were so cute!!
Happy Birthday!
Great pics. We're looking forward to much more frootbatting in 2010!
Happy birthday beautiful Kaze. You were the cutest little frootbat with the biggest ears!
Happy New Year to all of you.
Happy Purrthday Kaze and happy noo yeer
SQUEE!!! Kaze, you were such a cute bebbeh.
Hope you and your fambly have a happy and healthy New Year. And we also hope your Lap Lady is a little less stressed.
Happy Birthday Kaze! (frootbat and all! :)). Happy new year as well to you and your family!
Happy Purrthday to one of my furry furst blogging furiends! We hope you and your family and a furry Happy 2010!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~
Happy New Year to all & Happy Purrthday to Kaze.
Happy Purrthday Kaze! And happy 2010 to all of you!
Happy birthday and Happy New Year, little frootbat!
Happy Birthday, Kaze! And happy, happy New Year!
Happy New Year Kaze! I have lots of ham for all of us!!! We hope that you don't have to give up too much for your Lap Lady this year...
Kaze, you's tha mostest beautiful froot bat effer.
Love & Purrs,
awesome baby photos...thanks so much for sharing!
Happy New Year and a furry Happy Purthday Kaze!
Happy Birthday Kaze and Happy New Year too.
Happy Birthday and Happy New Year!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy Birthday Kaze, still a cutie.
Happy Happy Happy Birthday, Kaze! You are my froot bat idol!
Your pal,
We hope that you had the happiest of birthdays, Kaze! You were the most adorable little frootbat baby!
Willow & I are wishing you and all of your family a Very Happy and Healthy New Year!
Purrrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Happy Purrthday Kaze and Happy New Year to all.
Kaze, I hope your birthday was super great. I am glad you are 4!
Happy Birthday and Happy New Year
Happy New Year to all the Cats P and belated birthday wishes to beautiful Kaze! I envy your long, lean lines, Kaze, but Mommie thinks that my short stubby legs are very cute.
Such a special day for you! Happy 2010 and happy 4th birthday, Kaze!
Happy Birthday, Kaze!!!!!
Happy Birthday Kaze!! And Happy New Year.... those ears... is that when they say "only a mother could love"????
Hey Kaze!
We're a bit late, but we hope you had an amazing birthday! You look sooo cute in those baby pictures! :-)
Lots of love
Timtam, Mumble & Misu (and Craig & Caroline!)
Happy belated Birthday, Kaze! Our Mom has been super busy, too so we are a bit late, but knowing you, you are probably stll celebrating!
oh happy belated purrfday!
Oh, we missed your Purrthday! But we so loved looking at your baby pix and the growth of those FB ears! Hope your year is filled with lots to purr about!
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