So we're currently involved in what is going to most likely be a 14 hour day of law school work. And it was beautiful outside and the Woman had no Snappy time and has been typing all day long. She's slightly to majorly crankified.
Anyhoo, as I sit her warming her Torts book pages I compelled her during her weekly backup to dig for some old pictures. And look what she found! This was me as a Massachusetts kitty with my beloved woofie ZuZu. She lives about 5 minutes from us now and is getting to be an old woofie but I just adore her on the rare occassions I see her.
What a cute little kit you were Chase! I love kits!!! Sigh. I hope that your person gets through it all. My human would be going completely bonkers and be stressed out beyond everything.
You were so precious!!! Cute then, cute now.
Oah you were just so so so cute!!!!! Chase!!!
What a precious photo!
What wonderful photos, Chase! The cute kitten pic, of course, but we really love the one of you and ZuZu. We can see that you two are great friends. It's a shame you can't spend more time together!
We hope the LL can get some Snap time soon!
Yikes Chase, what a CUTE little kitten you were!
Oh my gosh you were a cute littlemancat!
Nibble, Chew and Gnaw are great! Things-Rats-Do-To-Food names instead of Things-Cats-Do-To-Food names!
Though Tay-Ste-Treat made the OTW think of Tim, Tay and Shawn!
Thank you for coming to our party!
Dude! You maded Mom's day with that adorable Mini-Mancat Chase photo! Our ears might hurt all day!
Awww Chase, you were so cute.We laughed at you in the ceiling. Did the squirrel come back?
Squee! at little Chase.
Hope your mom is less crankified soon.
Chase you were such a cute little guy! And you used to have a woofie too? Now you just have Meezer's to deal with.
What a cute baby you were Chase!
Great pictures, Chase. They show that you have a cool personality!
Wow, word verifictaion is "horse". Your mom needs Snappy time!
Those are great oldies pictures...
Aawwwww, what sweet pictures of you as a kitten, Chase :-D
Zuzu looks like she was putting the bitey on you!
That baby picture of you.....well let's just say that Meowm melted into a puddle when she saw it. All she said was "key-ute" and then turned into a puddle of goo. We have no idea how to reconstruct her either.
We hope The Woman gets un-crankified soon.
Oh my goodness Chase,our Mom ooohed and awwwed about these pictures. Adorable!
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