As you know, the Lap Lady is going to be starting law school at the end of May. Just work alone is stealing loads of her time (she used to have most of the day to comment on blogs). She told us that she loves us very much and she knows how important our blogging family is to us (she said you all matter a ton to her as well). We will not stop blogging but we have to say we will not be able to comment on your blogs consistently. This makes us super duper sad. She said she will help us try to read and keep up with everyone but she just doesn't have the time to work/school/snuggle/ride snap/etc. She's doing her best as this blog is an integral part of our lives. We know that while many of you don't comment you do keep up on our antics and for that we thank you. We are even more appreciative of our incredible friends who comment no matter what, even when we're 8-10 days out on your blogs (Chey, Tama-Chan, Eric & Flynn, Adan, Parker, and SO MANY others).
You know, we've all been through some really tough times together. We've laughed, and we've cried, we've loved, and we've loathed with you all. So while our presence is fading we hope you all fondly remember the past 3 years as we do. Again, we aren't going away, just scaling back. Every one of your comments is cherished, appreciated, and savored by us all!
The Cats P
It's ok to not comment when your life is stuffed with busy. Just post once in a while so we know you're ok.
Besides, your LL has to become a lawyer, cause one day I may got batchit on my People, and I'll probably need her services...
We're still pretty new to blogging, and to reading yours. Sometimes things happen and you have to take care of things. We're glad your lap lady is going to keep helping you blog so we can learn more about you.
Latte! Don't forget me trying to maintain all your attention from your human as she studies. I swear--your human being busy may even be worse than mine! Sigh.
To the law school is so hard and difficult~! I think your LL need 65% focus on that, and 30% focus on you all, and 5% focus on blog.
I can totally understand,
Michico recently is extremely busy as well, she also feel very bad about my friends, but she really can't help it.
I am keeping eye on you 3 cutey~!
my blog system will inform me anytime while you blog!!!
Be good and be great, and be your LL's best friend supporting her!
Big big hugs~!
We understand. The Lap Lady's studies have to take priority over blogging. You are in our reader so we will know when she helps you post. Even if you can't comment, we know you are still there.
We wish the Lap Lady every success at Law school. Just make sure she helps you post once in a while so we know how you all are doing.
Thank you for taking the time to explain and to let us know that w are an important part of your lives. It makes us so sad when our blogging friends suddenly disappear, disregarding the fact that we care about them and miss them.
Anyway, it will always give us great pleasure to read your news and see your beautiful photos, and to follow your Lap Lady's progress in law school!
Your Friends,
Tommy, The Girls, and #1
We understand. As Mommy gets alot busier with things here in O Hi O we can feel your pain.
Make sure you support your LL - Law skool is hard!
First - Let us just say "Wow" on getting you photographed all together snuggled in one adorable cat pile!
Second - Mom started her new business just before we started blogging. It has grown quite a lot this year, so Mom no longer has a fraction of the time she had when we first started blogging. We use to be able to comment while Mom was at work, but no more! We often feel guilty about not being able to comment anywhere near like we use to, but we have kind of gotten use to having regular meals and treats!
Not only do we understand the time constraints you have now, but we know that law school will likely suck more time and energy than you even realize at the moment.
You're in our reader! Just toss us a photo now and then. Especially of Chase. Mom swoons over Chase. Chase makes mom very, very happy. Just saying.
Oh, we certainly understand that. We don't get to comment much anymore either.
We agree with the others,we hope you wtill get tie to post from time to time so we can see pictures of the sweeties.
Oh, our Mom wants pictures of Chase of course, but we love you all.
mommie is headed to your cat pile to plant nose kisses on all ov yoo, watch out
Wowie, you are all three together there!
I'm glad that you will still be posting on your blog when you have time, because I would miss seeing you all.
You guys look soooo cute! That's a great shot of you.
We wish your Meowmy/LL/Woman all the best in law school. We're glad you're not going away totally. We'd miss hearing about your adventures.
We completely understand why this is happening. We will continue to visit and comment! We are just glad you will keep blogging!
We understand that Beins sometimes have to be sooper busy fer awhaile. But our Bloglines list will let us know everytime ya post, an we will come visit fast...
I've still been visiting, but not commenting. Just so many bad things happening and it's draining :(
I don't miss comments, but I would miss the wonderful photos of Chase, Latte and Kaze if you totally quit blogging. Like Chase's photo for Thankful Thursday ;-) Yes, he's dead sexy. Hubba hubba.
Whenever you have time to post, in your busy schedule, is okay.
We understand and we love you all just as much!! I love your comments but just knowing you are checking me out is good too.
Your lap lady has a lot on her plate right now. And, any extra time she has should be spent snugglin/playin with you all.
Glad you're still going to post occasionally. I need my Chase fix.
You better believe we CB cats have been through a lot together. I too sometimes just read and keep going. So many blogs, not enough time.
I feel yer pane, man. Owr ladey has scaled bak BIG TIME sinse she's needed to spend all her time looking fur a daytime hunting place and riting that stoopid Catser blog that the stoopid wite rat gits all ixsited abowt. I am vary neglekted. I don't even know if she remembers I'm alive. So cownt yer blessings cuz I think yer ladey is MUCH better than my ladey.
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