Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dear Adoring Fans

It has come to my attention that there is not nearly enough Chase time on this blog. You know, I used to be numero uno around here, the only cat. Believe it or not the Woman and I used to be friendly. She'd scratch my back, I'd massage her neck while licking it at the same time. We used to even play Thundering Herd of Elephants together. I liked to be chased and then we'd take turns and I would Chase her. She was a pretty good company and she'd leave me alone when I wanted to be left alone. While I am much more bonded with the Awesome Man I will try to communicate to my fans more through the Woman.

Uncool things about the Woman
1. She calls me fat.
2. She calls me lazy.
3. She tells me I snore.
4. She thinks she deserves more of the AM's attention.

Cool things about the Woman
1. She feeds me.
2. She pays attention to when I don't feel well.
3. She lets me snuggle with the AM at night.
4. She makes sure I have comfy napping spots.

Still.....I don't have to like her...right?


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Liking and understanding usefulness are two different things. For instance I find The Woman quite useful. However I am still not sure I really like her...

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Well, Chase, we have said this before, but we do think you are a little bit harsh about her. So, we enjoyed seeing that nice list of cool things about her, all of which are very cool indeed! Now.. when was the last time you snuggled her neck?

And yes, we are your adoring fans!

Tommy and The Girls

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I am confusing, too.
Hee hee~~~
you are the most No.1 mancat of my heart! AM should attention on you for sure!

The Furry Kids said...

As annoying as they can be, The Mom types are pretty useful sometimes. Like when you're hungry or sick. I do think she should let you have a little more time on the blog.


The Creek Cats said...

Of course you do, have a great Woman!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You know Chase, those "uncool" things about the Woman....those are just more signs that she loves you. Well except, maybe for the fourth one...and that is just a sign that she loves the AM.

The Meezers or Billy said...

no, your don't HAVE to like her, 'speshully when she calls you fat (our the mom calls Miles Thunder Thighs and Melon Butt), but we really thinks that you LOVE her. But we all know you can LOVE someone and not LIKE them at the same time. right?

Daisy said...

I was going to say what the Meezers said! You don't have to like her all the time, but I know you always LOVE her!

Max said...

They're PEOPLE...we don't have to like them, just have to train them well. Them and their opposable thumbs.

Anonymous said...

Chase, listen up buddy. You DO like her (wink, wink) you just CHOOSE to spend male bonding time with AM.

Mom wishes to express her gratitude for the Chase tummy fix. That ought to hold her over until suppertime.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We think you do like her really, you just don't want to make a big thing of it.

Quill and Greyson said...

She seems kinda cool Chase...

Anonymous said...

Chase, my bro', yoo've got in lukky. It cood be werse. That stoopid psyko stray cat Tripper cood live with yoo then yood be kikt owt of bed at nite so he cood sleep with the AM and yer ladey, all the wile the ladey is making goo goo eyes over a stoopid cat hoo shood not even be in the howse in the ferst place and telling him he's a good boy win in fakt he is NOT a good boy he is a trane rek and I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE him but the ladey tells him he's the best cat in the howse IT IS SIKKENING I think it's time to run away frum home agin. Wanna join me????

SophieKitty said...

Your looking better than ever, Mr. ManCat Chase.

The Island Cats said...

You don't hafta like her but she does do some cool things feeding you....that's important, you know....

Hey, great tummy shot there!

Parker said...

Dear Chase,
Love is the best emotion - and I know you have a lot of it for the woman!