I spent the night on the scratching post in the human's bedroom last night. I'm kind of dead to the world when I sleep so if you don't notice me I can't really fault you too much. The scratching post is in the corner too so its very hidden. The Woman gets up and puts those pieces of fabric on her body and went out to paint her face and such. I like to hang with the Awesome Man who sleeps like 15 minutes more. Not yesterday though. Yesterday he got right up and did his thing.
Being a pain in our butts the AM does not like cats in the bedroom when they aren't home because certain MEEZERS that live with us cause trouble. Hence the door is always closed. Well, I was really sleepy and didn't get up to rub all over him like I usually do.
Do you know what happened???? I WAS LOCKED IN THE BEDROOM FOR 10 HOURS. Thats right- TEN HOURS. Latte was hysterical. So upset that he ran to the Woman when she was home from work and was "up her butt" which he usually isn't. She asked him why he was and she finally heard my pitiful cries from upstairs.
Well, let me tell you did I ever have to poo!!!!! First I wanted to be pet. Then I wanted to poo. Then I had to pee. Those humans are so fricking lucky I didn't pee on any of their stuff. I should have too. 10 hours with no food/water/litterbox.
I demand to be taken off of my diet for my good behavior.
If you lived with me - I would never do that to you. Fly out to me! ~DKM
OMC's yoo shud pee on their stuff den leave them poop on their pillow! Dat is the ONLY way to show dem yoo will not tolerate that behavior!
~ Molly ~
I've locked myself in Mommy's crap/craft room. So scary!
We can't believe you are still talking to the humans after that! Not only should you be taken off the diet, you should be given extra treats!
Wally & Ernie
Dood! I don't think I coulda held it for that long! After hour 5, I would have found a shoe to relive myself in out of spite, I think... They OWE you!
Oah No!!!
10 HOURS!!!!!!!!
Poor Chasey......Oah dear~~~~~~~~~
I hope you feel relax now,
must be very taugh condition you have been through...
Oh poor, poor POOR Chase! That is so awful! I do know how you feel because #1 once locked me (inadvertently!) in a back bedroom overnight. Unfortunately, in my case, it happened at a time when I had the runs. Very bad news indeed for #1 when she finally let me out...
That is such a cute photo of you.
And YES, they need to make it up to you!
Your Pal,
This is awful!
You deserve like a whole roast chicken or something!
Poor Chase
You need an award to no pee & no poo for may be 20 hours?
ViVi & AB
yeah, i agree wif parker, a hole chick-hen
I agree, no more diet!! And you should get lotsa tempatations!!
~The Creek Cats~
Poor Chase, that's an awful thing to have happened. I hope you get some yummy non diet fuuds as compensation!
Whicky Wuudler
Ten hours!! That's terrible. You must have had a bladder like a football.
WOW!!!!!! I can't believe they BOTH missed you! How terrible!
We agree with the others...roast chicken---immediately!!
Oh Chase! What a horrible thing to have happen! I'm sorry to hear that. But what a good cat you were!
Chase, I am so proud to hear that even after 10 hours of solitary confinement you did not go potty or number 2 where you are not supposed to go. This proves what a good cat you are.
oh yeah Chase, off the diet for EVER. The woman and the AM should be carrying you around the house and spoon feeding you too.
Sunny's Daddy walked by and saw this and said "10 hours, TEN HOURS!" He said you should have pooped in the bedroom.
Chase my Momma loves your Belly fluff and we all agree here that you should get some extra biog reward for after ten hours of nothing and really nothing you did nothing.
We thinks you must love your Momma and Dadda very much for holding in so long.. you is a little champion! :))
Champion Chase!
I could never take my eyes off of you, you handsome man-cat!
Dude, I sure feel for ya. After all the drama at your house recently, I'm sure the stress level was through the roof and you were well within your rights to let fly all over the people room...But, you showed remarkable restrain. We should make a Golden Litterbox award in your name!
Wow, Chase! We think you should get a whole roast chicken or something, with a side order of HAM! ANd we thought it was bad when Mom shut Grayson in her dresser drawer for half an hour...
Oh no! Ten hours! I got shut in the closet once for a day, maybe 9 hours. I needed my box and food as soon as I got out. You need to be treated like a king!
Dude! That is so wrong. We agree with the Meezers - you should be spoon fed from now on.
We once shut the door to the room where our litterbox is ourselves. But thta wasn't for 10 hours! You're one brave cat!
Siena & Chilli
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