When Gamma had baby-Meowmy, Boe found and even more manipulative way of getting back at Gamma. Whenever they would come to visit (Boe lived in NJ and Meowmy lived in Maine as a little girl) Boe decided he really really liked little Meowmy. She was only like 3 years old but Boe totally adopted her as his pet. He slept with her, and even licked her face like Skeezix does to Mr. TF! Meowmy wanted Boe to come live with her soooooooo badly.
Boe lived a long and happy life until he was 17. Then his kidneys shutted down and one of our VET men (the owner of the practice) had to help him to the Bridge. Can you believe we have the same VET man as Boe? Well, our main VET is the owner's son but still we've seen him too. Because Meowmy loved Boe so much Gamma's Mom gave Meowmy Boe's carrier with his pillow and fur still in it. Meowmy cried so hard, this was her first loss of a loved one. For the next many years as her candle-blow-out birthday she wished that he could come back to this world. Now Meowmy knows he's happier at the Bridge and waiting for her there.
Fast forward 15-20 years later and Meowmy FINALLY got a meezer in her life again. Me!!! Oh, and Boe's carrier is still used for Gamma's kitties :). He was an amazing cat that will never ever be forgotten.
This post makes me leaking and leaking.... I think I would be have that feeling one day.
And I will embrace that that like I embrace the time I be with my love. I will emebrace everything to my love, whenever I own him or lose him...I be with him and I think of him... I will embrace and treasure it forever.
Boe was very very lovely and sweet, I believe there is only happiness in your mommy's heart, it always only left happiness in our heart.
I believe, tonight, your mommy still give you very good big hugs~!
Thanks for sharing this deep and treasure history to us!
We love reading about ones that came before. Boe was such a handsome guy! #1 would like you to know that the first kitty in her life was also a meezer. Her parents refused to get a pet but, when she was 10 years old, some friends asked if we would look after their meezer for 3 months when they travelled far away. They said he didn't like kids but he and #1 bonded and she swore she would one day have a cat of her very own.
By the way, I too am a serious face licker!
Your Pal,
Latte, that is a wonderful story of a very special OWCB. It is so good that your Meowmy was trained right from the time she was a little girl.
It is nice to remember the OWCB.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Our OWCB really did a great job of paving the way for us. We owe them a lot.
Latte, we really enjoyed reading the story of how it all began. Wow, 17 years.....Boe had a very full life. We will meet him at the bridge one day.
~The Creek Cats~
We agree that it is lovely to read the stories of the Ones That Came Before. They are forever in the hearts of our humans and therefore part of us too. Our mom had Bunnies and Guinea Pigs when she was little. Only when she moved out her mom got herself a cat, Minou. He lived to the age of 11 and now she has Shiva, onother gorgeous mancat. So we owe our Grandma's cats that we are here, too! ; )
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Thank you for telling us about Boe. We loved that story. Especially the part where he got mad at your Gamma, but adopted your Meowmy. hee hee
We enjoyed the story of Boe. He was a very handsome Meezer.
Boe was very handsome Meezer Mancet. He obviously left quite a legacy!
That was a wonderful story about Boe. He was a fine looking meezer.
How handsome and sweet Boe-Joseph is (I love that name, too).
That's amazing that you still have the same vet ...
Thanks for sharing, Latte!
Boe-Joseph sounds like a very special kitty. And it is a great tribute to him that he paved the way for your Meowm to have such a love for cats.
What a good meezer he was (and still I am sure is)
He certainly how our meezer attitude down pat! hehe
Thank you for sharing his story, we love remembering loved ones :))
I bet Boe knows Caesar now. I bet they are best buddies too.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with me. I loved it!
Latte that was good that you could fill in a little bit of the hole in your Mum's heart.
Boe looks like such a sweetheart in that photo.
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