Saturday, September 6, 2008

Weekend Post

I know we're not weekend posters usually but this weekend we're sitting at home waiting for that Tropical Storm to drop 3-5 inches of rain on us. That means Snap is stuck in the barn all day long and we're all in the house.

Meowmy was at the VET's office yesterday for work again (NOT with us!!). She was talking to them and they said that this summer has been really slow for their business. She found that disturbing so she asked further. The VET man said that its mostly people who opt not to do proceedures to help their pets because they can't afford them. We understand that green papers get tight but if your VET tells you that there is a lump that is most likely cancer you should have it biopsied!!! So PLEASE again, everyone please look into Pet Insurance. You'll remember that when we lost Storm to lymphoma we were inspired to get insurance. Maybe just this reminder might make your humans think again about insurance because the VET man said barely anyone has it in their practice. I know all of us blogging kitties are well carred for by our beans but maybe someone on the Internets will come across this post and be inspired to get Pet Insurance. We use Pet Plan but there are lots of others out there too. We promise, its not as expensive as you would think!!!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Good post! It is SO important to take care of any problems quickly!

Anonymous said...

We're sorry you're getting so much rain! Stay safe!

Parker said...

Smart advice!

Quill and Greyson said...

Stay dry and safe!

The Furry Kids said...

Great post! It makes us so sad to know that some furbabies need medical stuff done and their beans can't afford to do it. :(

Stay dry this weekend!

Anonymous said...

We gots rain today too! Its so hoomid here that the beans putted the cool air on again.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Excellent advice! Stay dry this weekend.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

It's also a sad comment on the state of the economy as well. We have certainly seen it in our cash pay practice (which is why we are now working with a practitioner who takes insurance to help our current patients)

It's too bad that our pets are the ones who suffer for our problems--however remember I think the pet needs to be under 8 years of age, which rules out a lot of us!

Just Ducky said...

Yeah, sad that both beans and pets skip the check up visits. Then the problems get much worse and way more expensive.

Mum looked at the insurance thing for me, but says she isn't sure. Unless I gets sick it wouldn't do much. My VET bills for a year are less than $100. Except for my minor tummy troubles last year I am a healthy cat.

Mum finally got your updated link into my linkies and deleted the old single ones. She is soooo slow.

Lux said...

Excellent reminder ... stay dry!

lovinpets said...

Good advice. I'm enrolled with Trupanion. I need that peace of mind knowing that I will be able to do what's best for my pets.