Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tabby Twoesome Tuesday

Today we had a bit of a fight about who got to post. Since Chase posted yesterday I get to type today. If i lived anywhere but the US I would be called Tabby-Point-Siamese. But since I'm in the US and I was bred and born an Oriental Shorthair I'm a Seal Lynx Point Oriental. Chase has been beating up on my recently. Not that I don't like playing runreallyfastandbateachotheronthehead with him but he's STRONG. And quite FAST. Its a bit askeery.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Chase is large, so we can see why playing with him would be a little scary. Dragonheart and I are about the same size as each other, so we are on an equal playing field.

In Canada you would be a Colourpoint Shorthair. http://www.cca-afc.com/en/files/colourpoint%20shorthair.pdf

But you are beautiful, no matter what you are called!


Adan and Lego and Michico said...

Sometimes I also wonder....how come my brother can't understand me that I want to play or I want to charge a little bit....
I can feel your feeling Kaze.... I really can....

Anonymous said...

My sister Mushka is still bigger than mez, but we is pretty tough us kittehs and Momma lets us be when we is playing unless she hears a hiss then knows iz time to break it up..
Momma says we sounds like a herd of elephants as we race down the hallways! hehe This is good! :)
pes: The sun is making you almost invisible!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Brothers can be a nuisance, even though they are fun most of the time! It was nice to see you posting today, Kaze!

Your Pal,

Anonymous said...

Well Kaze, Chase may have the advantage of size over you, but we strongly suspect that you have the clear advantage of cunning over him! Not to mention meezing.

Isis said...

It's strange how coat colours are called different things worldwide... Here I am a usual Abyssinian, but if I came to live with you in America I'd be called a ruddy Abyssinian! Purrsonaly I prefer just being called exceptionally beautiful! ;) I'm sure you'll agree it fits us both Kaze! :)

Maggie May said...

runreallyfastandbateachotheronthehead is one of our favorite games!!
~The Creek Cats~

Daisy said...

I'll bet Chase is very fast and strong! But he seems like a gentle giant.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Kaze! I am proud of you for winning this battle, even if you did share the photo!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

So you just have to pick your battles.....sneak up when he least expects it.


snowforest said...

We too is glad you won this round ~ Leo is becoming bigger and stronger too but I am still faster..Fairy!


I am smaller (but more muscular) than Boo and I don't understand why she won't play with me. I pester her to play and make her run so I can chase her, then she will hiss at me. I just dont' understand...


The Furry Kids said...

Sometimes brothers play too rough.

Sassy Kat said...

No, no, no fight. You two must share and get along. Someone could get hurt. It is best to take turns, that is only fair.
Stopped by to see about your contest. Didn't see what you meant, fill me in.
Glad you liked my redocorating.

Mini said...

I have an award for you waiting at my blog.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Kaze, don't tell Chase we told you, but cunning will win over size and strength.

Sunny's Mommy said...

That is a fun game! Maybe you should try it when Chase is napping, since he's so fast ;-)

Quasi said...

Can you maybe gain some ground by sneaking up behind him and giving him a bitey and a whappy?

Sassy Kat said...

Sent you a message in an email about your contest. Have an idea let me know what you think.

Anonymous said...

Yes Chase is a bit askeery if yoo is small. He is like 15 pounds - Shadows size, right?

Mr. Echo said...

My sisfur is littler than me but sumtimes she kicks my butt and puts on the bitey reely hard! Don't underestimate yurself.