Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Meezer Rules Wednesday

It is especially fun to steal toys away from your siblings when they are trying to play a game of fetch with the humans.

Did you see the fun news?? Visit Simply Siamese for the info


Anonymous said...

haha I doez that to My sister allz teh time too!! But she lets me...

Ohh and thank you so much for letting us know that the squirrels are ok, and has somewhere else to live :)..Momma is a sucker for all living things... silly Momma.. :))

Motor Home Cats said...

It looks like you almost got it away from her. Good job Latte.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a great rule! :) Stealing toys is so much fun. :)

Isis said...

Oh yes this is a great rule! :)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Kaze, you are quite the little minx!!!

Your Pal,

Parker said...

Squiggles! They are the best toys!

Anonymous said...

It's a Squig-O-War!

None said...

That's a great rule and I'm sure it made somebody not very amused ...


Mr. Hendrix said...

uh oh, this is when i'm glad i don't have a sib to take my toys. but, i don't have anyone to play with them!

we'll head over to Simply Siamese now

jenianddean said...

Playing with squiggles is so much fun. But remember to share.

Anonymous said...

Jake does dat wif our mousies! So now the mom has them all in one place he cant get to.


Great rule and we did check out Simply Siamese...


The Furry Kids said...

Great rule! I always take toys away from Tazo. heh heh


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Are you stealing or is Kaze sharing?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Now that is my favorite game of all!!!

And I can not stop rubbing my head against the computer near your photo...

Daisy said...

You can play tug-of-war!

Lux said...

Latte, that's sneaky!

Good going. :)

Mini said...

It is fun! LOL :)

Mickey's Musings said...

Nice interception!!!!!!!!! ;)
Thanks for the good wishes today!!!
Purrs Mickey

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Latte, I always try to do that to my sissy Sabrina like you are doing it to your sissy Kaze ... hee hee! It is really fun, and bugs the heck out of them too!
Purrs and headbutts,

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Those Squiggles are SO GREAT!


Mr. Echo said...

I did see the nooz and you know I'm rootin for Siamese Reskyoo. But I'm for any good kawse reely.

Gess whut? Mommy found a FLEA on Tenny today so Tenny is gonna go to the vet tomorrow. Well, her yeerly visit wuz supposed to be last month but it got delayed cuz of Mommy beein in the hosspittul. But when Mommy saw that FLEA she literally leeped off the bed and called Dr. Bobo. Then she grabbed me and started inspeckting my furs. She diddint see no "flea dirt" but she sure seems to be taking this persunally. "No bugs on MY babies" she bellowed on and on and on.

Sunny's Mommy said...

Think of it as Kaze being forced to share, not stealing ;-)

Maggie May said...

Wow Latte, we had no idea about your terrible femur infection and your isolation for sooooo long!! You are an inspiration to us! We are so glad you are doing better now and enjoy affection again.
~Maggie May~