Two years ago today my humans came and plucked me from my breeders house to go live in my forever home. I spent the whole 4 hour ride screaming and bloodying my claws trying to escape. I hated that they took me from my home and my family and my brother. I was 6 months old and MAD. I was so mad I did not want anyone near me or touching me at all. My Lap Lady cried for days because I was so unhappy and I hated her. She even considered taking me back to my breeder. Luckily my Tall Man mediated and I purred for him first and let him pet me. Then came the Lap Lady's lap and then came Latte. Chase- well he was HUGE and scary looking. I'd only ever seen other frootbats before so I didn't really even know he was a cat.
Do you know what I get as a Gotcha Day present? A trip to the vet. Nice right? I get to have my yearly exam tomorrow- whoop-dee-do. At least I'm bringing the meezer-sausage with me to find out how much he weighs.
I hope there's gonne be something besides a vet trip. Like shrimp! And Beefy Stuff! And Kitty Crack!
I can't believe your present is a trip to the vet. That's just wrong!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Happy Gotcha Day Kaze. We can't believe that your present is a trip the the VET. There better be a better present than that. After all, we got an air conditioner for our birthday.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Happy Gotcha Day, Kaze! :) Wow, we can't believe you were so unhappy at first! We were both pretty good during the drive to our Forever Home - we both napped most of the way.
Good luck at the vet. We hope you get a better Gotcha Day gift (ie. treats, toys, playtime) when you come back from the vet.
Happy Happy for your 2nd Gotcha Day, Kaze~!
Although you don't have good start at first, but I believe you are the happiest of all~! I like everytime seeing you playing with your brothers, they must feel happy with you!!
Purr, and purr~!
Happy Gotcha Day! :) I'm sure glad you had mediation from the Tall Man and decided you liked 'em all! :)
Happy Gotcha Day!!!
Happy Gotcha Day, Kaze! So every year you have to celebrate your Gotcha Day by going to the V-E-T? That does not sound very festive. But, at least you have the Lap Lady!
Happy Second Gotcha Day! I have to go to the v-e-t too....but its cause I am feeling yucky.
I hope you get a toy at least!
Happy Gotcha Day Kaze!
Tell Latte that Cheysuli is actually kind of a whimp when it comes to fighting and I am much more fierce
Oh dear, I was logged in as Momma! I said that!
Hey, Happy gotcha day, Kaze! Let us know if the humans give you anything good (and anything you might want to share, hint-hint).
Hoping your v*t visit is routine and short...
Oh, they can do something better than a trip to the VET, can't they???
Oh Boy! Happy Gotcha Day, Kaze!!!
Sorry about da v-e-t thing, tho. that kinda stinks. At least you'll have company, tho.
Oh Happy Gotcha Day Kaze!
I know how you feel, I wasn't too pleased when I was gotted, but it all works out in the end doesn't it! And thank you for yelling at Mommy and Daddy - did you see them waving?
Happy Gotcha Day, Kaze!
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 2nd Gotcha Day Kaze and many, many, many mooooore!!!
No fun going to the vet on your Gotcha day!! Hope you get lots of presents and treats for your GD!
Your FL furiends,
Happy Gottcha day! We hope it gets better! At least you get to go to a party!
Happy Happy Gotcha Day!
Poor Kaze. I'm sure Dana has room in her playhouse if you want to move in with her. You are always welcome here, ;) We lynx points gotta stick together.
Happy Gotcha Day!
Woo woo woo there's a lot to be celebratin today. So many purrdays (it's my sisfur's Abby purrday today) and all of these parties...wowowowowowowowow..and Ping is gonna be OK too. Even though one of us bit him and is causing his ankle to be a bad owie, he's being a good brofur and not telling on any of us. The only one Mom and Dad know it wasn't was Boo, cuz she stays in her room all day behind the closed door, so it wasn't Boo. But today is a day for celebrating...Momma thought that your story about coming to live with your lap lady sounded like when Abby came to live with us. She was so mad and she hated everyone! It made Momma really sad too. Abby wasn't like the rest of us, we were all abandoned outside, Abby came from a nice big comfy house...
Purrs from
I heer ya Kaze! Yoo sellabrayt sumthin big like Gotcha Day only to git forced in a CTU and takin to the vet. Stuff like that can reely give a holliday a bad name.
But congrats on a grate home. I can tell your LL and TM love yoo lots and yoo gots em trained pritty well!
Happy happy happy Gotcha Day, Kaze! I hope you have a wonderful day. I am sorry that you have to go to the V-E-T. I feel your pain. Hopefully, no one will stick anything up your spot #13 or steal your bloods or pee. I'm crossing my paws for you.
Oh Kaze, that's a terrible Gotcha Day present! (I'll bet you get something nicer later.)
Happy #2 Gotcha Day!
That is NOT a good Gotcha Day present! Happy 2nd Gotcha Day, Kaze :-) I hope you manage to have a good one despite that thing LL has planned.
Happy Gotcha Day Kaze!!!!!!!!
We hope you have lots of fun (after you escapes from the VET of course) You should make the Lap Lady play with you ALL day long!!!! and surely a little trash art is in order as well!!!!
luv ya!!!!
Rossetti and Kirara
Happy GOTCHA day! I hope your vet visit is not too terrifying, but I am sure it will be exhausting like mine was. Make sure they offer you some really comfy places to sleep when you get home! Good luck.
Abby Normal
Happy Gotcha Day Kaze. You are happy now, but it sure didn't start out that way!
Going to the vet is a horrible gotcha day present so I hope that you got lots of play time and treats today! Both China Cat & I have vet visits this week also...
I'm glad that you have your forever home with your Tall Man and Lap Lady and Latte and Chase!
Purrrrrrrrrrs, Willow
Kaze, I think your story proves that when you love somebody or somecat you love them VERY deeply. I'm sorry that you suffered so much leaving your first home, but am thrilled that you were able to fall in love again with your new family.
Happiest Belated Gotcha Day. I'm so pleased that you are on the blog. Oh, by the way I'm a cat too, like Chase, a non-frootbat type.
Geez. A trip to the V-E-T! That sucks. Happiest belated Gotcha Day Dude!
Luf, Us
Win I got brot home, I hided under the bed for days. The lady thot I deetested her. But I coodn't hold owt for long cuz she was akshully pritty nice. Until Rocky came to live with us. Rocky reeks.
I furgot to menshun that yoo have a vary nice chest.
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