Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Reasons the House is a Mess

1. Newspaper flyers seem to hang around longer then they should.
2. Woman, maybe put your hair items away once a month or so?
3. While we're at it- you don't need 5 pairs of shoes piled up on "your" side of the couch.
4. While I like fur, the rug is making me sneeze- as much as I hate to say it- SUCKY MONSTER.
5. All of those food bits on the floor have been rejected- remove them so my paws don't have to touch them.
6. Ibid about the bits of litter around the box. What??? You're getting rid of the crystals all together and making us use 2 Breeze Boxes???? Latte won't let you get away with that.
7. I shouldn't seem poo foot prints on the floor.
8. I also shouldn't see dust bunnies in the dining room.
9. While that pile of clothes on the chest is nice to nap on- its getting a little boring. At least turn it over or something.
10. The pile of boxes on the front porch while waiting to be recycled gets in my way. Remove them.
11. The dining room table is meant for cat naps not junk mail storage.
12. The bathroom sink shows way too many paw prints from us drinking. Its dirty so I don't want to sleep in it.
13. As mentioned above- FRESH water is key so how about replacing the filter on the Drinkwell and cleaning it?


Karl and Ruis said...

We suggest to consult craigslist for new help. Obviously your staff is malfunctioning....

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Chase,
I think you are very calm to look at these mess happening!

TabbyNormal said...

I think it sounds like it's a good thing you are in control here. You are good at giving orders. Now I hope they are good at listening!

Abby Normal

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow! That sounds a lot like our place!

Spooky said...

Yep, that sounds all too familiar to me, too.

Chrissie said...

It's an epidemic! Did all the beans go on strike and forget to tell us about it? You know what's gonna happen next, don't you? Cleaning frenzy! Duck! Cover!

The Meezers or Billy said...

you needs to look in the 'lellow pages for maid services!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Wow! Your beans are obviously having issues. Do they need to see the bean v-e-t? Or maybe a si...psyco.....a shrink?

Nomi said...

My miewmie weely needs to get the sucky monster out too !

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

If you can get these things done, let us know how you did it!

~ KittyBoy

Rosemary B❤️ said...

what a dump! our place is just as bad, I liken it to a trash factory over here!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Boy, she is slacking!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

It sounds like life in our house. Sigh. You can come here Latte. We still have non breeze boxes.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Know what you mean Chase, you just can't get the staff nowadays.
We like to drink furrom the baff tap which is left slowly trickling furr us, and would you beeleev the baff is full of muddy pawprints. Surely our mum must realise they need to be cleaned up when we come in furrom the garden



I don't know what it is these days...good help is hard to find..


Daisy said...

My Mommie does not enjoy cleaning, either. Guess what? Pixie went Number 2 in the Breeze box for the very first time!

Tybalt said...

Your house sounds a lot like mine.

Beethoven said...

Oh dear....those beans better get working! Oh...and they sound a lot like mine Mummy!

Lux said...

Oh my! I think I'd just better hand your list to my mom!

Parker said...

That's a very long list you have there, I think your Mommy would be very tired if she did all of that work at once!

Sunny's Mommy said...

You tell them, Chase! If the furs on the rug is making you sneeze, it must be very bad!

PB 'n J said...

Yes, to all of the above - we've been trying to tell them what a mess our house is, but do they listen?

Skeezix the Cat said...

Sownds like owr howse! Mr TF spended so much time using the sucky monster on the frunt yard last week, he didn't have time to put on his frilly pink apron and do the howsekleening. Like it wood kill the FL to do sumthing beesides lawndrey and cooking.

Mickey's Musings said...

Our Mom's are so much alike it's scary!!!!! Iy must be a Mom thinh :o
Purrs Mickey

Forty Paws said...

Holy crapola! What a list! You need noo help.

Luf, Us

Millie said...

Uh Chase, i think you got a goof. That's 13 messy things, but none of them explain WHY there are so many messes at your house. We got lotsa messes here, but that's 'coz Mr Karate was stayin' here when Mom was in Mary-land and he didn't clean it up before she got back.

SophieKitty said...

Sounds like your beans are going to be real busy this weekend.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Good luck wif da Breeze Litterboxes, he, heh...

About the Drinkwell filter, we got that problem too. The Big Thing should change it more often. At least he scrubs the whole thing clean each week!

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

wunderful list!

I likes number nine... ya gotta turn over those clothes.

and dat pile of boxes need jumping into!

Daisy May and Katie Too.