The Tall Man has amazing ear massaging ability. He knows how to start at the base and slowly work his way to the tips. As you can see, I even enjoy his petting when I'm on my way to falling off of his lap- its well worth it. I've been totally deprived in the playing department and when I do get toys my brothers destroy them. Also, my brothers talk a lot- who knew? Apparently they have lots to say while I've been waiting patiently for my turn.
How to pet me: 1- Pretend your fingers are a Zoom Groom.
2- Follow me as I wiggle my body and drag myself across the room.
3-Be prepared for the fact it will last less than 5 seconds.
Oh you two are a scream!!! That does look like fun though! I must give it a go as I just love the Zoom Groom!!!!!
Thanks for the correction on my blog! I fixed it :)
Purrs Mickey
Now that sounds like fun... What about tummy rubs? I love to get a tummy rub from my human.
Looks you have very very good time~~~
You both look so satisfied!
Mum sends lots of pets.
Oh those look like some really good Ear Scruntchies - we love those!
You look like you're *really getting into that, Kaze! :)
Awesome! I thought it was jus me, but its a Meezer thing! I do the ear thing an the carpet crawl too! I LOVE stretchin out my back legs while stritched...
Oh, I wanna go find The Big Thing fer a while jus SEEIN the pictures of ya!
Oh man, anyone touches my ears, I eat their hand.
Well, I want to.
I might bite.
A little.
Better they don't test me...
Kaze, that looks like a wonderful ear massage? Do you think the Tall Man could teach one of our humans how to do it properly?
Latte - 5 seconds? You are missing out on a lot of great petting!
You look very happy!
5 seconds? We will stay until Mom's hands totally cramp up and give out.
I love ear rubs like that!~Orion
I crawl across the floorlike that too Latte!~Junior
Hhhhmmmm. This is very interesting.
Luf, Us
Mom fusses because Josie moves just out of her reach but wants to be petted, but that's all part of the fun!
Latte! I am surprised. I mean I don't let just anyone pet me but when I settle in for a cuddle I am so THERE--like Kaze.
Nope no touchadaears....nope now head scratches are wonderful but no ear scritches...
Kaze, Pixie and I love ear massages just like that, too!
hehe Latte - you are like me...i hate being cuddled and will tolerate strokes on my own terms only...!
we love your new masthead pictures very much indeed, it is great to visit you all on one blog and catch up wiv you all.
we hope your humans are well and stuff...I guess we will see you at the Wedding of Karl and Ruis?
love Stormie xxx
Latte me do the same ting wif da pets! hehe ~Empress
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh very nice.
The only thing bedder than a good face rub is a good face rub and a good skratchin at the base of my tail. Aw hevvin! And Latte, man yoo don't know whatchoo missin!
Kaze, you look like you are in utter bliss! Latte, you make me laugh, little buddy!
Kaze, the TM sure looks like a good scritcher. I'm glad that he gives you ear massages - froot bat ears can get soooo tense sometimes.
Latte, that is a very cute picture of you. From one dude to another.
Your pal,
mmmMMMMmmm ear rubs! ~Fiona Bun
Both methods work very well for me!
I'm not much for having my ears massaged, but I leerrrrrve a good back massage! My eyes get all squinty and if it goes on long enough, I'll drool!
You just had to know that, didn't you?
Yeahyeahyeah...ear massawj, cheeks den chin den down da spine and den roll over and do da tummy, oh, nice pikshers Latte and Kaze.
Since Latte only tolerates 5 seconds of petting, that means more for you, Kaze :-D
hahahahahhaa Latte ~the Fluffy TRibe
Having a bean who has good massaging power is fantastic!
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