FINALLY! How long does a frootbat have to wait to post on her own? I've had the most tortured week with little to no playing. I was getting depressed so my Lap Lady came home at lunch yesterday and played with me. That made me happy!! We played for a very short 30 minutes. I mean, where do humans get their sense of time? They don't sleep enough and they certainly don't play enough. Sometimes I get exhausted from human training. I never give up though! I love my Lap Lady so much I have faith that someday I can train her well enough.
Have yourselves a very merfy weekend everyone!
You look so bored, Kaze~!!
I want to play with you!!
That's a beautiful photo of you, Kaze! :) Do you want to teleport over to play? Our humans don't always play with us enough either, and ignore my loud meows demanding play time!
What a great picture!!
You look furry relaxed after playing with the lap lady.
Kaze, you look content and sleepy in that photo. It must have been taken after the play session.
What a great picture Kaze. Human training is exhausting!
It's always nice when the human comes home and spends time with a cat. Keep working on your Lap Lady, and maybe she will stay home with you all the time.
You have a great weekend too!
Sigh, I know how you feel. I don't get near enough play time. The woofie takes up what little time momma has now. Momma say sorry but she's a baby and very demanding. pffffft ~Queen Snickers
I know what you means, I have been training my humans to get up at 4am for feedings and take afternoon naps, but the training is not so successful...although I tries so hard!!!
That's a great picture of you, Kaze. Very froot batty!
I hope you get some playtime with your LL this weekend.
oh my goodness, you akshually gotted depressed 'acuase you could not play? That's just WRONG. your lap lady and tall man need to spend the weekend catering to your efurry whim.
Kaze, I am glad you finally got some attention!
I am very glad you got some good afternoon playtime in!
Play time is jes as importint as naptime, dinnertime, ear rubbin time and Temptayshun time. I hope yoo get to catch up on all yur time this weekend!
I think it would be a lot easier for you to train LL if she didn't go to that place they call day hunting :-/
I never get enough play time - but then, I could play all day!
I wanted to thank you all so furry much for coming to my Birthday Party yesterday - you all made it awesome! And I would love to snorfle your belly Chase, I love playing that game with Bert (or lion tamer - where I put his head in my mouth)!
How about I teleport over with you to Dragonheart & Merlin's, and all 4 of us can play thundering herd of elephants! That would be fun!
Purrs and headbutts,
Well 30 minutes of playing isn't enough but it's better than nothing. You haf to put in more time training your Beans. We got lots of playing time yesterday cuz AOL went down. The man on the phone said it would be down furr 24 hours and mum got crabbity. It came back this morning though. All the extra playing was fun.
Wow! That's too much fun, but not enough fun!
Luf, Us
Kaze, that's some kinda fabulous Frootbat! We hope you, Chase & Latte have a Merfy weekend, too!
I am so happy you three have one bloggie now! I love seeing you all here. What a great week of bloggies.
Mom has been so busy and giving really gypie blogging time.
I hope you kitties have a superb week-end
That's a wonderful frootbatty picture of you, Kaze. Don't give up on your LL, Kaze. She loves you, I know..how could she help it?
Oh Kaze...yull trayn yer lady soon enuff. Wure still werking on it too. It's hard werk to have trayning responsubilities like yoo do.
Keep yer hed up...eggsept when yoo sleep than it's ok to lay yer hed down.
Good Frootbat ears, Kaze!
Awe Kaze, we'z sorry yoor not getting enuf playtime...training humans is furry hard.
Fank you for leaving purrs! You won't believe me if I tells you, stop by when you has a chance!
All you can do is keep trying to train them. One day, if you're lucky, they'll catch on.
I hope you get lots of play-time this weekend, Kaze!
Kaze, da onlee other anymal dats can frootbats better den you iz Titus. You iz too cute!
That is a lovely picture of your frootbat ears, Kaze. I'm glad your LL is doing her duty and making sure that you are getting enough attention. I like your new family blog! You are very classy kitties to share like that.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Merf, merf, merf, purrrr ~Ko Ko
Translation: dont get depressed Kaze, I purrs wif you
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