There were massive amounts of fur removed from me yesterday. The Awesome Man brushed me while I growled in the Woman's face (it is all her fault anyway...). When they brought me inside I got all freaked out and did skitter feet and my entire tail got poofy as I ran away. The Awesome Man fell over laughing at me. Still...I blame the Woman.
But don't you feel better with all that fur gone!!! You can feel the spring sunshine better now!!!!
We're pretty sure it's her fault as well.
Hahah my momma and dadda always laff wen we get floofy tails too!!
Do they not know that wez get them for a reason.. and they LAFF?!?! wtf?!~ hahah
We just adore your expression in that photo, Chase!
This is a very very cute expression of you, Chase~!
So adorable~!
By the way,
thank you for your bean's blessing,
I am so so touched~!
Big Big hugsssssssssssssssss to all of you!
Don't be annoyed by your coat, you will get a new shiny one soon, we love your face on this pic!
ViVi & AB
The same thing happened to me yesterday - where does all of that fur come from???
Sorry about your furs getting stolen. Ours did too!
i also got de-furred yesterday, was it defur day?
Oh no, but you're gonna feel better when the hot comes and you're a cool cat.
Here its nearly winter and I just put on my fluffy coat, because it's sooo very very cold now. Even Timtam is looking all poofy.
You look very cute in your photo. I like you.
Lots of purrs, Mumble.
(Human edit: Cold? What? Well yeah it's *supposed* to be getting cold, but it's still over 24 deg C (75 deg F) - not cold enough... )
No doubt it was her idea in the first place...
Look at that sweet face! I think I'd laugh just a bit to see skitter feet! Sorry.
Chase, I bet you could learn to love being brushed! Think massage. Think Spa. Think Ahhhh...
Gandalf and Grayson see me pick up the brush and tap it and they fight to be first!
Blame everyone. And go poop on their pillows. They deserve it for making you feel all growly.
Oh Chase, you growleded? Was it a just for show growl or a for real growl?
I'm sorry you had such a bad Sunday :( Doesn't the Woman like your furs??
Removing all that fur makes your muscles show better. I can't believed you growled! You're much too sweet for that.
don't you like getting brushed Chase? I like little bits of brushing.
i LOVE getting brushed! - Sammy
Just think of all the hairballs you don't have to cough up ;-) You look cute Chase.
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