Oah Dear Chasey~~You are fishing very good!!!
Wow, I like the sound of those types of fish. Where can I get some? FAZ
I thinks we need to visit your house.. just for the fishin'! heheV-V
Oh yer good toys!
you are a excellent fishermancat
I think you are lucky to live near so many fish... we don't have fish but finding mice is pretty easy!
MOL!!! Great job fishing!!!!
And why do they have to use werms, anyway?
You are such a great fisherMancat, Chase! I don't know why our dad finds it so difficult to catch fishies.
Chase, you are a very handsome mancat and expert fisherman,er,cat.Love,Tazo
Ha! You are like the bears catching the salmon.
I spy Latte ready to pounce.
That must be what Daddy is doing wrong!
That looks like a fun toy. I have a fishy toy, but yours looks funner.
Nice catch, Chase ;-)
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Oah Dear Chasey~~
You are fishing very good!!!
Wow, I like the sound of those types of fish. Where can I get some? FAZ
I thinks we need to visit your house.. just for the fishin'! hehe
Oh yer good toys!
you are a excellent fishermancat
I think you are lucky to live near so many fish... we don't have fish but finding mice is pretty easy!
MOL!!! Great job fishing!!!!
And why do they have to use werms, anyway?
You are such a great fisherMancat, Chase! I don't know why our dad finds it so difficult to catch fishies.
Chase, you are a very handsome mancat and expert fisherman,er,cat.
Ha! You are like the bears catching the salmon.
I spy Latte ready to pounce.
That must be what Daddy is doing wrong!
That looks like a fun toy. I have a fishy toy, but yours looks funner.
Nice catch, Chase ;-)
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