Sometimes I move so fast you can only make out streaks-o-Kaze. Most of the pictures taken of me while I'm playing are "trash" because I'm such a blur. You can see how intent I am on catching the toy, I have laser vision on my target while my body is moving super duper fast! I didn't catch it...the Tall Man is too good at playing and he always wins.
Yes the Woman has that same problem with me! It's tough to be a fast cat!
You should ask your AM give your LL a BIG FLASH, hahahaha~~~
Michico always flash us~~ And we don't blur anymore~~~
We like blurry photos because they show such movement.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Run like the wind, Kaze!
Faster than a streak of light!
The Tall Man should let you win sometimes.
Thank you so much for your purrs. Really means alot to us.
Kaze, I would love to play with you in real life! That would be SOME action! So what's up, is the original frootbat in for the Silky & Slender Crew? I would be such a proud kitten!
Purrs, Chilli
Ha! Cool, Kaze! I'll feature you during the next days as my very silky and very slender furriend!
Super-slinky is the only way to be! Go, Kaze, go!
Wow! You are super fast! Your froot bats are but a blur!
Happy Friday!
Your pal,
Fanks for checking up on me on my bloggies. I am so glads mommy gots my teefs out, I already feels much better and I fank she wishes she had done it sooner. It's kinda espensive though mommy haded to pay $3000 for mine cause they haded to go into my bone and do repair. I hopes you don't have to get it done but ifs you do don't worry, it's a good thing.
You move at the speed of light!
Happy Weekend and Happy Playing.
amazing photo!!
greetings from mexico!
Yeah, Im a blur most times. But at least The Big Thing makes sure the mousies are "just" slower than I am... Heh
Your humans might think some of the pictures are trash, we wouldn't know. But this picture is purely awesome!
Kaze do you have "go faster stripes", My Mummy thinks that what the line down the back of an Aby really is! ;)
the tall man should always let you win
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You're so fast, Kaze, I can't believe you didn't win :-0 Maybe you should play with someone other than the Tall Man? If he wins all the time, he must have some kind of unfair advantage over you ;-)
Kaze, no picture of you could even remotely be considered trash even if they are blurry, you are too darling! You and I should get together to play run and chase, I am fast too ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
When we race round da howse at top speed, Mom says to watch out fur low flyin cats. You look like them Cheetah cats throwin der tails out fur balance. Yur mom done good to catch you in action!
Love this picture of you, Kaze!
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