Sisfurs can be quite needy, especially when the humans go away. Kaze was an absolute wreck while the humans were away. She was practically super-glued to me!! You have to be a good big brother even if you are missing your humans yourself.
P.S. THEY ARE HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently there is a work explosion but we'll be catching up just as fast as we can. I am SO much the friendliest cat here, I followed them around everywhere when then got in last night at 12.
I think that goes beyond the bounds of being a good brother. You should get crunchy treats for that.
Latte you are just so sweet. I hope you did get some treats. I worry that if I see you and I sit on you I might crush you. Not that I have gained a ton of weight.. maybe just a couple of pounds...
Very Very sweet~!!!!
I think Kaze is a very tender girl while she is close to you~
Awwws it is nice to have someone to look after, only once in a while ;)
Guys.. did they need a can opener to get you both out!??! hehe
Super cosy!
Latte, you did a great job taking care of Kaze. We hope your humans are back home and taking care of you properly.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
You truly are a wonderful brother, Latte! Kaze is so lucky to have you.
Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan
You are a very good brother Latte. You both lok cute all squished in together.
That's such a cute picture! I'm amazed that you both can sleep peacefully together in there. Whenever one of us is in the Pod, it's usually a fight because the other one wants in.
you were a very good brother Latte! we hope that werk didn't 'splode into a squillion pieces!
That is a pod full of kitteh! Kaze is lucky to have you to take care of her. I bet she was soooo lonely. I'm glad your mom and dad are home. Did you get lots of cuddles?
We're sooo envious of your pod. Well I'm envious. Cliff says it looks like a torture instrument. But I want one.
That picture is adorable. We always, always follow Ms. C around. It is part of our jobs, as cats!
Abby & Stygia
Chase has been accepted in the Tail Chasers Club! If you like, you can get the logo/badge from our blog.
I can see Kaze's neediness was getting to you, Latte. Thank goodness your humans are home!
Yay for your folks being home!!! Sorry they had so much cold. It has certainly been colder this Winter than we like!!! Mom just wears lots &lots of clothes ;) We want Spring NOW!! heehee At least Mom does,heehee
She is fed up with frozen ice in the driveway!!! We are happy to be indoors,hahahaha
Latte yoo is a good big brothfur fer helpin Kaze when the rents were gone.
Snuggle pod!
You two are so cute together!
Oh, you two are just the sweetest! :)
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