Watch out ladies, full frontal Man Cat coming at you! I've been practicing looking sweet and handsome since the Woman has been in one of those dark cloud over her head moods. Whenever she gets that way I have to give up my general apathy towards her and let her pet me, give her love eyes, and yes, even purr. Hopefully she cheers up soon because I lose a lot of nap time when I have to work so hard.
My, what lovely chest furs you have! All the girlcats at furrydance want to snuzzle you1
You know,
I really think my Lego brother is your lost twin brother.
His chest fur is just like yours~!
But Hey! You are much much more wise, clever, smart and dashing than him~~~~
He is just too childish~!
I am looking forward to your new style look!
Sound neat!
You look so very handsome, Chase, and you are being so generous in dishing out kindness to those in need!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
You are looking very handsome Chase. It is hard work being a mancat but you are doing it very well by trying to cheer the Woman up.We hope she soon feels better and the cloud goes away.
Cripes Chase! That's almost too much handsome for me to tkae!
You're looking great!
::fans the mom:: - sheesh Chase - give the mom a warning. she went SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and fainted at your manliness
That is a fine fine full frontal cat pose there!
Chase, you are looking very distinguished!
Wow Chase!! We are in awe of your mancatliness!!!!!! We hope the Woman feels better soon!
Chase, it's a good thing your woman has you around to take such good care of her. We hope she feels better soon.
Chase, it's very nice you're doing all that for the Woman :-)
Chase a mancats job is nevfur done. Keep up the good work!
I hope your mom cheers up soon.
lots of things to be bummed about. (((hughughug)))
Chase, you are one handsome mancat
We think one look at you and those dark clouds over her head would disappear!
You might be more man-cat that I can handle!
Oh Chase, deep down inside you have a soft touch for the woman.
I hope she feels better soon, those dark clouds are scary until they pass.
Oh Chase you look very handsome. Hope your Mom feels better soon.
Chase, if THAT doesn't work we wouldn't know what. You look very, very handsome! We hope she perked up already!
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