Sunday, October 19, 2008

Man Cat Monday

I had to be nice to the Woman last night because she was not very happy at all. She came back from the barn all cranky and I overheard her telling the Awesome Man about it.

Apparently when she was driving next to the barn and about to pull into the main entrance she saw (as is not uncommon) a man with a child "petting" the horses. The Woman has many many times stopped and nicely informed these parents that these are not petting ponies- they are young, intact (still have hoo-has) and can be truly dangerous especially to small fingers. This time the woman considered stopping to discuss with them but as she slowed she gave up and decided it wasn't worth it so she kept going.

So she's out in the ring riding on Snap and all of a sudden the police showed up. They asked her what happened and she had no idea what they were talking about. They asked if she saw any people and she told them that yes, she did see a man and a young child. The very unfriendly officer told her the man is filing a complaint against her because she sped up and tried to run them off the road??!!! My Woman remained calm and said there was no way that was the truth but they made her get off of Snap. Then they refused to hold Snap while she got her license and in fact ignored her request. At the car she mentioned that our car is a diesel so it is louder than other cars and that might have been why they thought she reved the engine. She asked them why the people were standing on private property anyway and they said that they were "crossing a public roadway". So anyway, they were not nice to my Woman but eventually left and they told her she might be getting a complaint in the mail.

Now my Woman knows she didn't do anything wrong but she got really upset with this situation. Not only did she do nothing wrong but she considered actually helping these people and keeping them safe. She has decided that now she is just going to have to call the police when she sees people petting the horses (oh and the man said they were 'admiring the horses'- right, on private property) for their own safety. Plus she is even doubting what the point is in ever doing the "right thing"?

(The Woman has asked for a sign that would state No Trespassing or Horses Are Dangerous or something like that for the 3 years Snap has lived there. However the owners of the farm ignore her as they infrequently visit the farm and never even listen to dangerous problems like faulty electric issues.)

Long story for ME to say that my Woman did some crying and I went over to cheer her. Rolled on my back and all and even pretended to enjoy her petting me. I'm such an awesome Man Cat.


Max said...

Eh, they called the cops to cover their own sorry butts just in case she called them to complain about trespassers. Maybe she needs a sign that says "Get near my horse and you will be SHOT." She doesn't have to actually MEAN it....

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I'm with Max on that one. Also, they probably only paid attention to her when she sped up a bit after slowing considering talking to them... JMO but I can't believe the police were so rude.

Quill and Greyson said...

Poor Lady. She was just trying to do the right thing for the right reason and I think it is still the way to go.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

We dont know much about noisy machines an roads but we figure if the machine stayed on the road an the Beins wernt on it, there was no pounce attempt.

Maybe a sign saying "Ponies Bite" might help.

The Big Thing says maybe the sign should say "Trespassers Will Be Violated" or "We Train Attack Ponies". He cracked up...

We dont unnerstand him at all sometimes.

Kellykat said...

Those people are mean and stupid! I hope you offered to go bite them.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think your lady is very good~!
Sometimes the correct things can't be showed it's own good reflection at soon, should take sometime~ But do the thing we think it right will be ok~
Big big hugs~!

Black Cat said...

What silly, selfish people. "Trespassers and people touching the horses will be bitten and prosecuted" might do the trick!

I can't remember if I told you I've given you an award. I've had so many problems with my computers I haven't been able to blog or visit much lately. Doh! :) xxx

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

She is right t be absolutely FURIOUS! There are some really disgusting people out there. And too many of them have no idea about horses. As for the police, it sounds like none of those people actually deserved to be wearing a uniform. What an enraging incident. We quite appreciate the fury and the tears.

You were awesome indeed to be so good to her, Chase!

Your Pals,
Sen-Chan and Tom (soon to be three!)

Anonymous said...

I haz to say that the police man was just doing his job it sounds like, They do not know who is in the right or the wrong they just have to go by what both sides of the story say and go from their.. they is not the ones who makes the law, ifs theys get a call out they has to respond no matter what they think of the person... anwyays.. that man with the girl sounds like an asshole and Momma and I firmly believe in Karma do not worry, we justly knows what goes around comes around...
PES: I would be putting signs up everywhere (warning ones), because nowdays peoplez are mean and only out for what they can get.. they do not care how they get it :(

Be happy Momma P.. that man will get his 6 fold! :):)


KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

You is definitely an awesome mancat. An even mores fur taking such good care of yours Woman after a furry frustrating day.
I's truly hopes there is karma.
Perhaps we could all arrange a little pillow-pooping event for this man and girl?
Love and purrs,

Anonymous said...

First of all - There is never a bad time to do the right thing. It is what gives builds character and integrity. It sets a good example. It is what sets some people apart from others. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. That is just the way it is.

Second - is the property fenced with No Trespassing signs?

Chase, it was very nice of you to comfort the Woman while she was very upset. What a good Mancat!


Chase you are an awesome mancat...Momma says she understand how your woman would be upset. She says she just doesn't understand sometimes. She was shopping getting people food and while in the store which is pretty big she was getting some celery in the produce department when some guy said she was in his way to get HIS CARROTS. Mom just looked at him like he was crazy. I mean he doesn't own those carrots anymore than Mom owns the celery. She just wonders about people sometimes...but we are glad you cheered your woman up...


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh your poor poor lady. what rotten people they were for doing that to her. your lady is right, she should just call the police and report them trespassing. She should haf taked a pikshur wif her cell phone (if she has one that can take pikshurs)so that if she has to go to court she could show them that they were not trying to cross anything but petting the horses.

Is there a sign up there by the road that says Private Property, No Trespassing? Maybe there should also be a sign that say DO NOT PET THE HORSES.


Anonymous said...

Chase yoo did the right fing by bein nice to yer mom lady.

We's wif everyone else there should be a warning sign (if there isnt) dat its private property and that trespassers will be prosecuted and dat the ponies bite! (Preferably we hope they bite A$$es!)

Daisy said...

I am very sad that your mom got upset. I know that would make my Mommie very upset, too. Being wrongly accused is a terrible thing.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Chase, you should still be nice to the Woman....she deserves it.

We are so very sorry that some people are so nasty. Our Meowm understands how your Woman feels. We are sending gentle headbutts to the Woman to help her feel better!

jenianddean said...

You are an awesome mancat. And such a bitter taste in her mouth after having such a good day with Snap last week. just don't know what's wrong with people anymore! ::purrs:: to your Mom and tell her to keep doing the right thing and setting an example.

Anonymous said...

Let me at 'em!!! I'll give 'em a piece of my mind!!!!!

Unknown said...

You're a very Awesome Man Cat!!!!

We are very sad for your Woman, Chase!!! Sounds like the police didn't even want to hear her side of the story either. And the nerve of the guy too! Momma says some beans are dumb like that... He's probably the same person that would sue the farm if he or his little bean got bitten while trespassing and disturbing the horses. Good thing all our beans don't think like that guy or child protective services might have been called on HIM!!!! (well it made us feel better to say that)

Its terrible that your Woman got in trouble for just THINKING about protecting the horses AND the trespassing beans... Maybe the farm owners will reconsider placing the signs up now.

Is there a better farm to take Snap to? We don't want her to be annoyed by little beans with tasty fingers or have to be afraid of bad electricities... Our Momma said she hopes your Woman feels better soon (she loves horses too)


Kirara (and Rossetti too)

PB 'n J said...

Oh boy, our Mommy's blood is boiling! It's not right how many people think that the rules only apply to other people! We're super sorry that the Woman cried, but we think she's on the right track - next time see what they think about having a trespassing complaint against them!

And you are an awesome ManCat for pretending to be nice to her, we bet she really appreciated it!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Wow. Some people. I don't understand how if this man and his child were petting the horses on private property and obviously not able to stand in the road to pet the horses, your Woman tried to run them off the road. Was she supposedly driving on the grass and coming towards them??

I'm sorry your Woman had a terrible day.

SophieKitty said...

We agree with Max. I'm sorry your lady felt bad. Sometimes beans aren't very nice. Maybe they should pet the horses and get a nice horse bitey! That'll teach 'em.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

wow, some people!
so they are on private property petting horses at their own risk and
then they accuse you of running them off the road???? wow

I am so glad that you were able to cheer your meowmie. Mine would have been crying too, just wow.


Whimpurr said...

You just can't win for losin' sometimes can ya! (((HUGS)))

Just Ducky said...

Stupid people that don't understand about horses is that they do bite! Maybe your sign should say 'trespassers will be fed to the horses'

Thanks for stopping by my party!

Niko and Cloud said...

Wow, some people are big meanieheads!

The Ginger Darlings said...

Sometimes people can be so strange! We always hate it when we go out walking, to get some peace and heads together and then some smart city weekend walker tells us that we should be on leads! And sometimes they shout which makes everyone feel bad. Three dogs and four cats on leads! What a joke.
Hope your woman is feeling better.
Jackie and the gingercats