This time of year I'm never ready for the cold. I get all fluffy and shivery and search for every possible warm spot I can find. My Lap Lady dug out my coat and as soon as she put it on I started to purr. It made me nice and warm except Chase and Latte thought they could pick on me. I liked wearing my coat.
Sadly it was all too late and I now have a cold. I'm coughing and just feeling icky. My Lap Lady started me on my homeopathic anti-viral (ICK!!) and antibiotics for a URI. I hate medicines but I hate feeling icky more.
Oh, Kaze... we hope you feel better very soon. You look lovely in your coat.
Oah No, Kaze!! I hope you feel better soon!!!!!
Big big hugs to you!!!
OH, POOR Kaze! We hope you will feel all better soon! Colds are awful.
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan and Tom (and a mystery girl...)
Oh I do hope you're feeling better soon Kaze, although you're looking lovely in your little pink outfit! :) Maybe entering my little competition would make you feel better?!
We hope you feel better soon Kaze,
take your medecis carrefully...
your Pals
ViVi & AB
Aw, poor Kaze! I am sorry that you are sick!
Please feel better soon!
Feel better soon, Kaze!
We hope you feel so much better very soon ... now that you are taking your medicine and have your coat I am sure you will be well in no time...
We will purr for you to feel better soon!
That Mao needs to teleport over and keep you warm!
Junior and Orion
oh poor Kaze. Can you ask your lap lady to tell our mommy what homeopathic stuff she uses for you? mommy would like to maybe try it with Billy. The lysine does not seem to be helping
Kaze I sure hope you get feeling better real soon. I like the coat!
Oh no Kaze! I am so sorry to hear that you have a cold. That is a lovely jacket you have on though.
You sure do look beautiful in your coat, sweety! I'm very sorry you have a cold though. Little meezer, Thai, came in with a cold and now both the orangie babies have it and even Nicey is sneezing some too! *sighs*
Kaze, you look beautiful in your coat! You might like something like a soft, fuzzy sweater to stay warm.
We love your pink coat, Kaze. We hope it will keep you nice and warm until you start feeling better.
We just love that purrty pink coat of yours, Kaze. Our mommy just got a book about holistic medicine and homeopathy to help with some of our ailments. Be sure to take your medicines so that you start feeling better real soon, ok!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~
Oh I'm so sorry Kaze! I just got over a cold a bit ago and it's no fun. I sure hope that your pretty pink coat and the icky medicines help get you better right away!
Yer coat looks furry nice on yoo Kaze! Chase and Latte wouldnt look as gud as yoo in it!! ::sticks out tongue:: Brothers!!
~ Molly ~
Kaze, we sure hope you feel better soon.
Oh no! Poor Kaze :( I hope you will recover from your cold soon.
PS: You look so beautiful in your pink coat!
Get better soonest Kaze!
Oh I hope you get better very soon, but you look so cute in your little coat.
That jakkit is KYOOT! Yoo look like Audry Hepbern! I shur hope yoo feel better soon!
Oh no, Kaze! We are sorry to hear you have a cold. Sending lots of healing purrs your way. We hope you feel better soon.
You look lovely in your coat! We both love to curl up in fleece blankets at this time of year.
I do not know why you got picked on I think you do a good Audrey :)
I iz sorry that you iz feeling icky!! I hope that you feel much better and quickly!! :)
oh kaze, you look delicious in that coat! I could eat you! xx
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