Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tabby Tuesday and Talesday

Today I have a tale to tell you. So TS Hanna came on Saturday and dropped lots of rain. The Woman napped all day long- lazy wench. Anyhow she eventually got out of bed and convinced the Awesome Man it was a good idea to go to Ikea. Right in the middle of the storm. So off they went over the Delaware River and into Philly. They were properly soaked and then bought a dresser, wall hanging, and two new lamps.

The Woman had to drive home because our metal machine with wheels is too hard for the Awesome Man to drive if the back seats are down. His legs are really long. So the Woman doesn't really ever drive in Philly. She's not a city driver. She made her way back over the river and got on the major road near our house. Only to find it was a river. The Pennsauken public works department did a bang up job and clogged the storm drain. So the Woman panicked of course as the Awesome Man coached her on driving through the water (it was almost over the wheels). The person behind her got stuck but the Woman did steer the machine through just fine. (The Awesome Man says the trick is to keep the "revs" high so the engine is working). Don't worry, a nice hunk of the bottom of the car is now hanging off.

Then they came back and started to build the Ikea project. Yeah...typical Ikea fashion one of the pieces was wrong. It was drilled on the wrong side so they had to give up and go back the next day. Where they spent an hour in line waiting but they did get a new part! So they put the think together only to find out (in true Ikea fashion) its rickety. Too rickety to hold the sleeping room TV. This made the AM mad but the Woman didn't care. So they left everything half done and the old dresser in the middle of the room. The Woman says she's never starting another project ever again because its not worth it.

Me? Oh I napped. And chased Kaze. And stole Latte's birthday nip.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

A lot of people have problems with IKEA stuff, but our humans have been lucky. They've never had any problems with the stuff they've bought there.

Anonymous said...

We don't think we have Ikea here in the Deep South. We have 2 Walmarts, though! We' think you were quite sensible Chase; napping so you'd have the energy to both chase Kaze and steal Latte's nip! Brilliant!

Parker said...

You got the better part of the deal Chase!

Ramses said...

My goodness Chase you're life is exciting! We live just 5 miles from an Ikea store and about 300 yards from a brook and it's been raining and raining, so hopefully My Mummy won't get any daft ideas... ;)

The Meezers or Billy said...

wow, mommy 'amembers how the roads in that area flood. her metal machine almost gotted swallowed by a puddle on Roosevelt Blvd one time - water was coming in the doors.

sorry that the IKEA thing was a disaster. we doesn't haf any stuff from there. well, there isn't one close to here anyway.


*woo hoo*

Momma has never bought anything from an IKEA store before...but Daddy would not like putting things together...he always uses loud words when he does those things...we are not used to loud words at all...


Pee Sss
Chase that is one gorgeous picture!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Funny how they never tell you about the advanced engineering degree (or was it Martian linguistics?) you need to figure out how to put those things together...

Great photo of you, Chase!

Sen-Chan and Tom

Java's Coffee House said...

fanks for visiting my bloggie while I was sick. I hope yours doesn't get any more severe Latte!


jenianddean said...

Bummer about the Ikea project. We've had OK lucky, except for one bookshelf that was too damaged and had to be completely replaced (which meant a six hour round trip for Mom and Dad to Atlanta). Looks like you had a better day than your folks.

The Furry Kids said...

This is making Mama glad that the only thing she ever bought from IKEA is our tent. hee hee

Chase, it sounds like you did the right thing by chillaxin'.


PS - Awesome paw dangle!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Wow!! Driving in that nasty stuff is not fun...or so Meowm says. She got caught in a nasty deluge in Las Vegas.

That "put it together yourself" stuff can be a beyotch..or so Meowm says.

We saw GOOD JOB napping through it all!

Daisy said...

Why do things always have to go wrong!? Stuff like that happens at our house, too.

PB 'n J said...

Yep - Ikea stuff always goes wrong, but we're always there to snoopervise and make it worse, I mean help!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, Chase yoo has furry big paws! I bet yoo can do some major whappage wif those.

~ Molly ~

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We apparently are very lucky with IKEA. Our only problem is that the male is always certain that the rooms in the house are bigger than they are the Woman gets mad because of how cluttered things look.

Quill and Greyson said...

Can you imagine, we have no Ikea here at all. Good thing your people were safe.

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

My Lap Lady would have panicked if she had to drive through that water! Chase, you are looking so very handsome today!

Purrrrrrrrrs, China Cat

Motor Home Cats said...

We don't have anything from Ikea here but at Papa's place, we did, and you are right, it was rickity. Mom does like putting stuff together tho, so that part she wouldn't have minded.

That is a great picture of you Chase, and you had the right idea.

Latte, we are sooooo sorry we missed your birthday yesterday. We hope you had a wonderful day.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Lux said...

Oh, man ... that sounds really skeery about driving in the water ... and then to find out the part was wrong? :(

Looks like you had the right idea!