Should I tell you what a horrible week I've had? You know, aside from not being able to blog at all! So the Tall Man thought that since there was so much stuff in the sleeping room we shouldn't be allowed in at night. That (*&^%$!!!!!! I need my snuggle with the Lap Lady time at night. It keeps me fresh, alert, happy, etc. It makes me cranky not to snuggle. Very cranky. Oh, and he was pushing me off her lap too saying that if she wanted a neck massage no kitties were allowed in her lap. Booo.....hisss!!! Bad Tall Man. So I attacked the Lap Lady's arm (in a playful fashion- bunny kicking) but I only do this when I'm annoyed. So she told the Tall Man to go bite her bottom and he backed off. Now my world is right again. Yeah! Oh, plus the room is officially done.
Good for the Lap Lady... and WOW what a great photo!!
I am glad that someone is finally standing up for you Kaze. Men sometimes just do not understand our need for cuddle time.
That's a very artsy photo of you, you could frame that :)
It is very nice to hear that your momma sticks up for you. I think the men get a little jealous of a momma- kitteh bond now and again :)
Poor Kaze. We are sorry you haven't had your snuggle time with your Lap Lady. Good for her tho. We hope you get lots of snuggle time this weekend.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I wooda bin mad about not beeing able to cuddle with who I wanted. I wooda had a kitty conipshun.
Very Very beautiful photo, Kaze~!
Not to worry about blog~!!!!
You 3 could deal with it!
Good for you, Kaze! It's important to fight for the important things in life, and quality snuggle time is the MOST important!
Your Pal,
Kaze, this is our very favorite photo of you ever! You look like a graceful Prima donna! And we love the backlit Frootbat!
Bad Tall Man! Yay for the room being done. Finally!!
Snuggle time is back! That is furry good. I know without having my lap time with Momma I would not be a happy kitty...
enjoy your weekends.
Glad to hear that things are finally getting back to the way they should be. Great photo today!
wow, the lengths you guys haf to go to to get the proper attenshuns is awful. BOOOO to your Tall Man for trying to make rooles.
I am discovering the joys of snuggling. I hope that you Lap Lady makes up for lost lap time!
I'm a little bit mad at TM. Who is he to try to get between you and your LL????
Beautiful froot bat picture today.
Good for the Lap Lady! How dare the tall man treat kitties like that!!
Well, I guess you and the Lap Lady sure showed the Tall Man!
Oh Kaze, it does sound like you have had a very trying week! I am glad things are better now.
What a beautiful picture, Kaze ... it's super-pretty!
I'm sorry your week's been bad, but I'm glad it's better now.
When the big male bean wud make me mad, I wud pee on his stuff (before we movedid in wif him). Now he and I has come to terms, he dont make me mad and I dont pee on his stuff - much!
~ Molly ~
Kaze, that is a gorgeous picture of you! I think the TM should learn give neck massages no matter where the cats are! It does not sound very logical for him to be unable to massage the LL's neck when she has a cat on her lap..the neck and the lap are far apart! He's silly!
Good for you Latte! Meezers Rule! I think the Bad Tall Man might be jealous.... do you think? *giggles*
Your Friend,
You are sooo beautiful today Kaze.
I am glad to hear that your nights will be normal again!
I can't stand disruptions either!
That is a lovely photo of you Kaze, you look so pretty and dainty. Shame on the Tall man for trying to stop your snuggles.
We're glad the Lamp Lady told the Tall Guy to bite her bottom...you don't need to be cranky!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
What a gorgeous picture!
Whoa! The LL told the TM to 'bite her bottom'? Is that something kinky they get into?
Wow, yer mom takes good pikchers!
What is wrong with peoples lately? Is it something in the air this time of year? My OTW, your Tall Man, Fat Eric's Mummy...
Thank you for your birthday wishes! At least my friends love me. We're going to have a GRAND House-Trashin' Party in a couple weeks to punish her for this, and for going away AGAIN, maybe twice. Wanna come?
"Bite her bottom", hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
We posted the winning Dare and I Dare You to accept the challenge!
merf, erf, yeow! ~Ko Ko
translation: sometimes you haf to put your paw down
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