Many of you read my boyfriend cat Mao's comment yesterday commenting on our blog name: The Cats P and how he never hears about pee. Well, first of all we didn't miss the pun when we created the blog but it really just stands for the first letter of our last name and rhymes with "the cats 3" which is part of a nursery rhyme and there are three of us. However, for Mao, we will give you a pee story.
So you all know that while the sleeping room was being painted (yellow for those who are wondering- we'll take pictures soon) Latte had the squirts. He had them for a few days and eventually went away. Well, the same day they stopped with him they attacked me. And now I have the STINKY squirts (I promise this is about pee, not squirts). Since we use Breeze Boxes they aren't fabulous with loose poo and there is a tough line to draw between remove it NOW or wait until it desicates a bit. Its been pretty stinky so the Lap Lady goes in and tries to nicely pick it all up. Inevitably some sticks to the litter pellets and remains behind.
Latte had to pee last night so he ventured into the upstairs box, the same one the Lap Lady had recently removed my stinky wet poo from. He took one sniff at the litter pellets that had touched the poo and left the box. He then ventured to the downstairs box to have a nice long pee where the stink did not follow him. So, as you can see, we at the Cats P certainly do pee!! Oh, and the pee pads get filled up mighty quick around here too.
I give Chase an award~~~ Hehehehe~~~
The pee thing....
I just speachless, hahahahaha~~~
Lovely ear, Kaze! :)
We hope all the stinky squirts are gone!
*Sigh* If you ever break up with Mao, you know I'll be here for you, Kaze. You are so beautiful! - Dragonheart
Thanks for all the detail!!!!!! As someone who had the squirts for something like 4 months, I sympathise! The perfectly cleaned up litterbox is a must. You should have seen #1 get up n the middle of the night each and every night because my favourite box at the time was IN her bedroom..... Good thing she had all that sweet-smelling Japanese incense handy!
Mom feels for your mom. Ever since Jade moved in, Mom has been cleaning her litterbox 2-3 times a day because of her stinky squirts, and she doesn't cover either, so mom has to for her. It's kind of fun for us to watch tho.
We hope you feel better soon.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Squirts=no fun!
We're sorry to hear you have stinky squirts. We were wondering about your blog name, too. We thought it was like a keyboard shortcut for a smile or something.
No 'tocks trouble!!! Stop it right this minute!
We narrowly escaped the Breeze Box thing and only because of all our 'tocks troubles. Mama was worried about what would happen to the pellets. Now she knows. And she feels really bad for your LL because she just can't imagine.
PS - We love love love your froot bats today. They are very veiny. :)
If one of us doesn't cover, then Abby will do it for us. She is our "clean" kitty. She cleans up the table too if there is anything left over. Momma is thankful that Abby has finally gotten over her tummy troubles cuz she would just stop in mid step and leave everything right where she was. It was kinda bad. Manxies have trouble sometimes though.
We had wondered about the catsp too and wondered we're glad you cleared that up...
Kaze, that might be more than I wanted to know!
Latte I am glad you are feeling better. Kaze I hope you get over it too.
There is lots of peeing going on here too...mostly by Orion.
It is no fun to go potty in a stinky litterbox!
Pee happens! Lovely interpretation on the frootbat theme today Kaze!
The inside of your ear looks so delicate, Kaze.
I had squirts too! Thats cuz I like to eat kitty poop!! Its so yummy and smells soooo good! Mine wented away acuz dad gaved me yummy medicine to take. But for awhile it hurted to poop acuz of the squirts. I hopes yours goes away soon.
I is Jake!!
mommy has to change the pee pads in our boxes about 3 times a week. but they will hold a lot more pee than she lets them hold
We hope your squirts are better now. We only have an ordinary litterbox, and we are both very fussy about covering, so mum doesn't always know when it is dirty.
Aside from the pee-n-poo tale... we'd like to say this very pretty ear looks like "autumn leaves".
Oh man are we glad mom declined dat Breeze box...Speedy's poo prollems woulda made dat box a mess. Lovely ear...
Since we are being all sharey, just imagine squirts and long backside hair... I won't say anymore.
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