You know what I don't get about humans? Why on earth do they not understand the in-between phase of snuggling. You know, the one where you're not quite sure where you want to curl up so you do lots of boob walking and often time even vacate the area. What is with them saying "make up your mind!"? Um, I am working on it crazy lady.
Sometimes, it's just too hard to choice the best comfy spot for snuggle~!
I understand!
Discerning cats want to make sure the snuggle spot has already stopped moving before THEY settle down..I have the same problem..I have to let my mom stop floppin' around before I choose my spot and snuggle down.
We'll miss you!
well, they ARE lumpy and the lumps shift and then we needs to find new less lumpy spots. sheesh
Oh yes they fidget way too much for a start!
Good point, Latte. Why do they do they complain while you're making up your mind? Like last night, I was trying to get the right spot on The Mom and when I finally did and got my feets all situated on her in just the right spot, she started petting my feets. Hands off, lady! Don't touch the feets. So I had to get up and leave. Grrrr.
These things cannot be rushed!
Humans just cannot understand us enough!
And don't forget, sometimes the boobs just don't feel right so you can't curl up! Sheesh! I mean like I would snooze somewhere uncomfortable!
I am having trouble with my human too! Although my brother seems to have the snuggling issues you are speaking of.....not me.
Does she not know the boobs belong to you?
Very sweet photo. :)
Humans just don't understand that we cats take our time and don't rush things.
Sometimes Moms and Dads get busy with other things. Ack.
Our cats don't do the body walking much. But they do do the walking all over the bed 2 or 3 laps at a time. And the I don't know if I want in the bedroom or out. But if I'm out, I want in, now!
There really are some subtleties to snuggling in. But you guys look like you've got it down!
Cute picture! One does have to situate oneself just so, and sometimes that takes awhile!
I'm often forced to lay in the tiny strip of lap between the boobs and the laptop! Come on!!
Finding the right snuggle moment takes thoughtful consideration. You just can't hurry up.
They really are crazy not to understand your prefectly sound methods!
Abby Normal
Heres a good foto caption -
"oh furgets dem and luvs me!!"
Katie Too.
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