In playing news it was a good weekend! My favorite grass wand toy came out and helped me recover the toys I was saving for later under the bookshelf. The Lap Lady found Krinkle-Fish, pink mousie, rattle balls, a sparkle ball, trash (of course), etc. So it was pretty fun! Oh and I hid a tag in her bed for her to find in the middle of the night and freak out as to what it might be. Still, my play time is sub-par and its only getting worse.
This is going to be a crazy week for us with the Humans wedding anniversary on Thursday and our Grandpaw coming down from Maine to stay for the weekend. We're trying to visit as best we can.
Thanks lots for the advice on the harness size! That helps!
Great picture of you two together. :)
Happy Anniversary to your Humans!
You two look so cute! Latte that is a wonderful photo and I am certain it was put up just for me!
You are welcome to come cool down here where it was a whopping 60 degrees and raining...
I am very happy to know your human has this great things to celebrate~! That is truly wonderful~!
Yeah, mombeans is sure crazy!!
Will ya gives them a purr for me as a anniversary present for me?
Mom sits around in a sweat shirt too!
Congrats to them on their wedding anniversary!
We hope your play time improves, Kaze. We tend to want to snoozle more when it's hot.
Kaze, we are glad to hear you had some play time on the weekend! We hope you get some more play time soon!
What a cute picture of you two!
I'm glad that you found lots of your toys. I found my favorite ear (off of one of Titus' toys) this weekend, too. I forgot how much fun it is.
Maybe your Grandpaw will play with you???
Oh how exciting! I love when dad gets the yard stick out and rescues all our toys from under the fridge and couches.
Happy Anniversary to the Humans!!!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
It is SO HOT! I can't blame the lap lady from sitting in front of the cold air box - I wish our cold air box worked well enough that we'd want a blankie after we sat in front of it!
Congrats to the LL and TM on the upcoming anniversary!
What's wif beans, anywho? Mine keep closin the windose to make cold air blow inside. I wanna smell the outside air! It's bout time Mom rescued my toys frum unner stuff agin, too. I guess Bonnie was rite, staff needs constant trainin.
I am glad that you are able to keep cool, buddies. And how exciting to find all of those grate toys again!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
My Mommie hates the cold-air-blower, because it seems like it never turns off! Even though it is usually set at 79 degrees.
It's hot here as well, but we are used to that. It is almost always hot. Momma keeps the cold box on though so we don't mind. That was a great picture of you too.
Helllooooo Chase
Goodness! Y'all haf bin too bussy!
Luf, Us
It's so nice to find old toys - it's almost like they are new again!
We hope your Beans have a nice anniversary and a good visit!
Thats a great pose of you two! Kaze you have such a striking figure! :) ~Queen Snickers
The most toys I haff takin in to Mommy at one time is 5. When I wuz littel I liked mettul things and once took her a fork I fownd in the food room. Yoo shood try walking around with a fork in your mouth. Its kinda fun!
Happy anniversary to your beans.
have fun with grampaw
This is a super nice picture of the two of you trying to keep eachother warm. It is like a freezer here too.
That's a sweet picture of you two. My mommie likes it cold, too. In fact, it's so cold in here it feels like a meat locker. Happy anniversary to your beans!
We're not too fond of "cold air blowers", either. We tend to prefer it warm, like it is today :)
It doesn't want to get very warm here. But Meowm still has to run the cooling thing a bit.
I am glad you got to play this weekend and that some of your toys were found.
Tell your beans Happy Annipurrsary!
Meowm says thanks for the kind words about the kitties.
Happy Annie Versery to your Beans. We don't have a cold ears blower, but we wish we did cuz it's hot here.
wow your lady is, um weerd. our lady puts on the cold air blowy thing that come out the walls and floors and still walks around in shorts and tank tops complaining how hot it is. can she not see the icicles hanging from our noses?
Thatz a good pichur of da tu of u. Have fun hidin da toyz again!
My Mum just said that my Grammie and Grampa are in Maine too, and all my aunts and unkles and cuzins. Ware are yours from in Maine? Mine are in Monson.
My mum went on a toy hunt for me today too, she fownd a foil ball and my lost foam rocket.
Merf, merf, merffffmumble ~Ko Ko
I feel your pain Kaze 'cause laps have been absent around here lately too!
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