Monday, June 30, 2008

Man Cat Monday

A common moment of repose during a weekend when I have to endure the Woman being around for more than a few hours.

Do you know what brilliant scheme she thinks she's come up with now? She thinks we're going to switch over to the Breeze system litterbox. Yeah- right! She can put it next to our old box, she can remove the top of the old box, not clean the old box, and even switch places with the old box. The most she'd going to get is Kaze munching on the pellets, latte sniffing around, Kaze napping on the pellets, and me attempting a dig which I found to be unsatisfactory to my Big Man Cat Paws.

My life is never easy I tell you. I just left her a LARGE STINKY poo in the old box for posterity's sake.


Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Messen wif you litter box? How rood! What a breeze system? Does it blows you poos away? Me gaves you an awards! ~Empress

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Good luck with the change out.

The Meezers or Billy said...

we likes our breeze litterboxes. But mommy warns your mommy - replacement pads are about 12 green papers and replacement pellets are about 15 green papers. forchunately, pellets doesn't need to be replaced furry often, but wif three kitties and two breeze boxes,the pads need to be replace about efurry3-4 days. they does, however, hold a LOT of pee.

Mommy kepted the breeze boxes next to the old box for about 4 days and then threw out the old box. She put a bit of poo and ucky litter (not very much) in each breeze box and we just started using them.

I think we should be 'barassed 'acuase efurryone else doesn't like the breeze boxes.


PB 'n J said...

Oh dear, it's so hard to be the ManCat - I'm not sure what we'd all do if they tried to change ours! I told Mommy and Daddy to wave to you guys when they were in Philly - did you see them? They had a great time doing all the history stuff, I'm sure they barely worried about us at all.


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Way to go!!! I find leaving large stinky poos to be quite effective!~Orion

jenianddean said...

Mom and Dad looked at the Breeze system, but wanted to see how other cats took to it first. And since there are four of us, we're not sure how long those pee pads will last, either.

The Furry Kids said...

That just ain't right. I'm glad you dropped a deuce just for her. heh


Parker said...

We love ours. We started using it right away. Unfortunatley Daddy doesn't like it.
We don't know what will happen next...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We like our clumping litter, but the greenhouse is better.good furr you leaving a large stinky poo. That'll teach her.

Victor Tabbycat said...

What is this breeze system the beans keep forcing kitties to use? What's wrong wif my good ol' clumpin litter? An, when it's really really bran new clean, is it as good fur rollin in?

I provided a sample fur my vet that she said was HUGE. She was furry impressed an compared it to woofie poo. Still, I don't know why Mom brot it to her - strange gift. She mighta liked a dead mousie better.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh that must be entertaining, haha.
Just keep using the old box... good plan!

Anonymous said...

So, I watched the videeyo, and have a qweschun: what duz it do with butt barf? Is it processed as pee or poop? Cuz it's werse than both. And it goze EVRYWARE! And it reeks.

Anonymous said...

Oh, just to klare-i-fy: it's not MY butt barf. I don't do butt barf. I lay good ole' pipe.

Just Ducky said...

Mum said no way on the Breeze box. Thank goodness for that.

Lux said...

Lovely b&w picture of you, Chase. Good luck with the litter box situation!

Anonymous said...

Humans are so strange, aren't they, Chase? They expect you to change your ways when you're perfectly satisfied with things as they are. If you'd wanted changes, you would have said so! :-)

Mr. Tigger in Cat-Lands said...

Mom's always like to change everything just when we are so settled in! Hope the litter box change goes well!
Hi 5 paw,

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We haf no fear of getting dat stoopid new box...Speedy's runny poops make it impossible to haf hear.

Mr. Echo said...

Atta boy Chase! Change yur litter? My peeple had such a bad time with Karma peein and poopin whare she pleezed that thay are skairt to mess with ours for feer of a kitty revalooshun!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Good job, Chase! Litter boxes should be how YOU like it, not the Woman!

Forty Paws said...

What a MAN!

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