Does it look like I've grown a new hind end here? Not really, its just Latte hidden behind me! He is lying on my tail though but I don't really mind.
OK, so I know we have not commented like all week long and someone nicely yakked a large hairball to complain about said fact. The Lap Lady has just had no free time at all which I find totally bogus because the whole reason we're sharing one blog is so we have more free time. Anyhow, there is her day hunting place and then she had of all of these people who are really important in her life (notice how its all about her and not us???) in the area. So next week I think she has no plans. Really!! Its just every night this week she's had to go visit people who she never usually gets to see.
This is also one week later from when Storm wented to the Bridge. She's being cremated this afternoon and then brought home. Storm inspired my Lap Lady to buy us all pet insurance. Lots of pets in Europe have coverage and she decided that if anything were to happen to us she would want us to fight (as long as we wanted to) and not worry about the cost. Its really not as expensive as you would think! I encourage you to look into it. Should you want a recommendation e-mail as we have some inside VET info on which plans are better than others.
**update** I'm really excited so many of you are curious about pet insurance! You can go to Petplan and get a free quote if you're curious about price.
pet insurance~!
Sounds very special in my country, I don't think we have pet insurance here :(
I hope your human has more free time at this weekend, at least she needs to give you 3 sometimes to cuddle with~!
Mom's looked into that insurance thing before, but she's thinking it might be a good idea to check it out again.
Cute Frootbat picture, Kaze!
You really do haf great frootbat ears, Kaze!
Kaze, we immediately saw Latte's hind end peeking out behind you! You look beautiful as always. :)
Pet insurance is a very good thing to have.
All my kittens leave home with insurance for this reason too, though the insurance companies are a bit daft about breeding cats and charge silly money to insure tham and them we're not covered for half the stuff we actually need! I mean does it makes sense to charge £10 or less for a cat who roams free and could get hit my a metal monster, might not have had it's annual shots and never had regular screening for FIV or FeLV, but charge more than twice as much for an indoor cat who always has their shots and has regular screening diseases and who will never be left to roam free and get squished by a metal monster? Breeders here tend to keep an account that they put money by in to cover us for emergencies because of this silly attitude... After all I'll also never be in a cat fight or in contact with a cat who's not had their shots etc!
Your Mommy is very smart!
Really cute picture Kaze, and a great hiding spot for Latte ... hee hee! Our Momma had jury duty Monday and has been really busy at work too and hasn't commented as much as she should, so we know how you feel. And thanks for the advice on pet insurance, we need to have our Momma look into it!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Pee Ess ... Momma does like Canon products because her Daddy always used the regular Canon cameras and they took fabulous photos, so she will check them out!
Kaze great picture!
Boy your Mommy was really smart to get that insurance for all of you.
which pet insurance did you get? we all has VPI and it's great - they paid about 85% of Miles' bills for his blood tests (3 of them at $250 a test, plus the office visits came to almost $900). AND they cover dentals. Mommy is pleased with their coverage, but if there is another one out there that is just as good but maybe cheaper she will 'vestigate. We hadded Pet(Something) insurance 'afore, but they didn't cover most of what vpi covers.
Kaze you are so right. I hope the hairball got her attention.
We would love the information on vet insurance and who is good, although it's no doubt too late for me and Georgia, having pre existing conditions. Last we knew they were all sort of bad...
Meowm has thought about insurance...but hasn't gotten it yet. Maybe you should email her the info you have. Especially since there are 2 of us now...and Orion has asthma.
I like your picture today!
Awesome froot bats, Kaze!
What kind of insurance are you guys getting? Momma looked into it after EG's obstruction fiasco, but she hasn't done anything about it yet. If LL doesn't mind, Momma would love to know more about it.
thefurrykids AT gmail DOT com
Thanks, Kaze.
Happy weekend!
Mom's never even thought of getting Pet Insurance. How much is it?
Kaze, you have the best Frootbat!
Your LL certainly has been very busy!
Mommy may be getting in touch with you about the pet insurance later. Losing so many of our friends in such a short time has made her really think about it.
We thought about Pet Insurance, too. But they would not cover Pixie since she has a pre-existing condition. One of her medications costs $75 for 10 pills! (she only takes 1/4 of a pill each day).
Bert and I had insurance when we were little, it came with our adoption from the shelter. But more and more Mommy's been thinking that it might be good to have again, just in case...
We have pet insurance because of Vincent Who Came Before. Vincent has been gone for over 2 years and Mommy is still paying on her credit cards from his cancer and renal failure. Kesey does not have insurance because he was too old when we got him, but Mommy & Daddy will do their best if he gets sick.
Momma and daddy have really been talking about putting pet insurance into the budget, especially now that there's 3 of us. ~Queen Snickers
Chase, you wants to take me to da party? Oh! Me would love to goes so much!!! ~Purrrrrrs Empress
We had a curious thing happin this week. Mommy wuz bizzy as usual but she sed insted of blogging for us and visiting other kitties she wood spend time playing wif me and Echo insted! (She wuz worried about me spending so much time with the spottid mousies under da bed.)
And I dont know whut peeple do without insurance. We wooda lost our house without it. Cat insurance is a good idea, but its the exclusions that getcha. Things that are common problems for meezers like tooth troubles dont git covered. Gotta reed carefully.
Ooops I'z gonna have to tach dat woofie hows to sigh offs. ~Empress
Fanks for lettin me know about the lack of exclooshuns. Mommy looked at insurance when Echo mooved in and the compnee sed thay woodint even tell her what the exclooshuns were until she signed up.
Yoo musta found a bedder compnee. I will show it to Mommy. She worries about stuff like this. Yoo is sweet to tell us Kaze!
mommy looked into this for me, but the vet said cause I have FIV that they won't insure me. NO FAIR! that happened before I had a great forever home so why should i be punished.
i think mommy is going to check it out for me again. any tips you suggest? 1hendrix AT fuse DOT net
Oh yeah, mom and dad haf us insured and wouldn't do wifout it. What if something bad happened, mom might hafta sell her car again to pay for treatment!
We are too old to be insured, and with Cody's diabetes, they won't insure him anyway. Fortunately, that is a relatively "cheap" disease to treat.
Mom hates not having the internet. The only thing that is saving her sanity is the access she has at work.
Have a great weekend!
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Happy Weekend! MUm has been busy too, so not much visiting here either.
Don't we just hate busy beans! Sometimes I think we're too nice they take us for gwanted!
Oh, and you inspired mine Mummy to go and have a wook at all the pet insuwance avaiwable here in our countwy, which sadwy isn't many.
OMG- yoo have two bootay!!! wow, maybe yoo can give one to Eric to help him...well, yoo know.
It's vary gud to know that Storm's passing has inspired yer lap lady and so many othurs to luk at insurance.
Pet insurance sounds like a good idea.
Kaze, you are soooo pretty!
Tell me abowt it. Owr Food Lady has bin spending WAY too much time at her daytime hunting place lately. We praktily NEVER git to blog or comment!
I think pet insurance is a good idea, and I think I'm worth it! You could send me an email at angusmhor AT gmail DOT com, without the spaces and with the right symbols of course. Thanks for tellin' us about it!
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