Just as I was getting used to having my Lap Lady around all of the time after work she packed that rolling bag and went out the door again and came home smelling like The Law. This made me rather depressed because we were getting some serious couch/blanket snuggle afternoons and I was really loving it. Especially since I didn't have to share her lap with the law books.
So the humans removed the mattress/boxspring and removed all of the furniture and locked us cats out of the room. This was terrifying for me because this is MY room....it has always been my room. We had spent a lot of time tearing off the fabric from the bottom of the boxspring and I hid my plastic things in there and also myself when the Purple Menace was making noise. Still, I handled the paint smells fine, and even was OK with them tearing up the carpet that I have marked with my poo spots over the past 4 years.
However, then the Lap Lady started to paint the trim work. And I noticed the door was off of the hinges. So I yelled at her to see what she was up to. You know what happened??? My voice came back to me and yelled even louder! So I had to keep yelling. And yelling. And yelling. The Tall Man finally came up to see what was wrong. I was so upset, it gave me liquipoos that night (very stanky).
I helped the humans move the sleeper couch up the stairs by running underneath it and taking rides as it surfed up the stairs. They were cranky though, not sure why. Something about it only eeking by. The couch is great though because now I have my Lap Lady snuggle time back! I have to share with law books again but at least it is quiet and I can tempt her into napping.
Then today a new prize arrived!!! It is a tall custom designed scratching post and built to my specifications. I don't like sisal but the boys do so the bottom is sisal and the top is carpet for my petal paws. I lept at it (like a lemur aparently) and Latte shimmied up to the top. It is really beautiful and fun!!! It is modular so it fit in a normal box and assembled really nicely. Our new friends at Cats Love Us picked out the perfect carpet and he was just the BEST guy ever. We HIGHLY recommend these posts and the best part is....they are reasonably priced! You know how scratching posts are usually ridiculously over priced? These are totally fair and worth every penny.
Man Cat Update:
I'm handsome and very happy. I find extreme joy in rubbing on the Awesome Man, especially when he doesn't want hair on him. Also, I've decided there is no point in fighting Kaze's snuggles. She's pretty snuggly and seriously fun to chase so I've decided she's OK.