****Breaking New***********
The Lap Lady was just accepted to Law School!!!!!!!!!!
Today I'm going to let the Lap Lady tell about her freez-cation she and the Tall Man took in Quebec City in Canada. The primary purpose of the trip was to go skiing at Mont Sainte Anne. This is a very cool mountain that overlooks the St. Lawrence River and has amazing views.
It was a rather challenging mountain and the trails varied in difficulty greatly even in the same "color range". Ski trails are ranked green-circle (easiest), blue-square, black-diamond, double-black diamond. This mountain had blues that were easily double black diamonds at US mountains in New England. Needless to say the Lap Lady stuck to the greens and one blue that the Tall Man had checked out first.

Luckily there were greens from the top of the mountain so the Lap Lady could get down after visiting the upper lodge and doing some trails on the back side of the mountain. The Tall Man loved it and was very challenged and its hard to challenge him on a ski mountain.

There was certainly a bit of a language barrier as in Quebec the language is French. Both of the humans took French as their language they studied in school but that didn't mean too much. People spoke so quickly and they basically just got by by saying bonjour, merci, and being able to count (for the lifts). Many people at the hotel spoke English but not really well.
The food report from the Lap Lady said she ate wonderful local muscles, salmon, steak, duck, and tons of fabulous fresh fruit and cheeses. Everything was local- even the fruit was from local greenhouses! The strawberries were amazing.
On the way into Quebec City for a night they stopped at the Basillica de Sainte Anne de Beapre. Apparently its a very famous church known for miraculous healings. It was so cold out that the Lap Lady could only really use her point-shoot camera and could only be out of the car a few minutes.

Next they arrived at the Chateau Frontenac, the most photographed hotel in the world! The hotel sits on a bluff behind the fortress wall overlooking the river.

They tried to walk around the city but had to go back to put more layers on as they couldn't feel their legs after 5 minutes out there. After a nice bundle up they decided they had to get out there and see the sights. Vieux-Ville was just beautiful and so charming. They felt like they were in Europe!

They visited the city during the famous Winter Festival. Here they ate tasty maple toffee (which the LL ordered in French and they guy looked at her like she had 3 heads.) There are all sorts of crazy outdoor activities but the coolest part were the ice sculptures. There were so many! These were two of her favorites.

It was so cold that even the woofies out there had booties on! They humans slipped and almost fell with every step but the locals were too so they didn't feel too foolish.
They ate a fabulous meal in the Petit Champlain District. This area is right below the Frontenac- STRAIGHT DOWN the cliff. To get there you have to take a cool glass elevator or the Break-Neck-Stairs.

They ate here (and no they did not eat any bunnies!!). They basically had the restaurant to themselves and its the only restaurant in Quebec with a gluten-free menu. The Lap Lady actually found that on this trip despite the language barrier people took wonderful care of her dietary needs and understood she couldn't eat gluten. She has never had such an easy time of ordering food. At home people generally do not understand what she's talking about and just about every dish has wheat in it somewhere. The local dishes up there did not use wheat for the most part so it was simple for her to eat and eat well!

The Lap Lady SO wanted to buy the meezer in the window but the shop was closed.

They wanted to walk around more, but again it was FREEZING. So instead they explored the inside of the Frontenac and found cool rooms, corridors, and historic photos and such.

Then they drove home to us! They also visited the Montmarecy Falls but used a different camera for that so we'll have to show you them later. They are higher than Niagra Falls!